today was maths and science exam..durhhh,peningggg!hahaha:D then as usual,gathered around and talk2.hahaha.and yeah.banyak jugak laa,about taufiq tu dengggggg,sumpah susah nak cover.chicken dance menyibuk sgt.da gado ngn opiq.haihhh.biarlah kan,it wont last long until the exams ends.epadahal esok je kot.hahhahaa:D and yeah.i was kinda thought of going out tomorrow and sorta like wanna ask Amin if he can go out tomorrow.well,i'll try to text him.but im too freaking scared if he wont answer.haih.but biarlah.he dont trust girls dah kan?and i think he already dah tak trust me i think,nak delay lama lagi.hmmm.i dont know la.i want to let this feelings go.lagi cepat,the i wont be thinking about this so much anymore. goshh,Amin.i know i shouldnt call your real name but if i pakai your nickname,sumpah.mesti ramai gila lah will be shocked reading this.cause i know lots of people kenal you.and yeah. i know if you look back,you may get a thought of im being desperate.but noooo,its called a blog,and its like a simple diary for us to write about our daily routine.haha.dah i talk crap already.hahahaha
and guess what? i got my lens already!!!!!!ITS BLUE! hahaha yeahhhh:D love itttt
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
haihh,stlh smlm menunggu,20+ missed calls,2 mssges.u didnt even answer.i know lah u busy ke ape,at least 1 msg pun takpe i wont gonna call you or text you until this sat.and i need to tell you cepat2.because if i dont.somebody will do.haaih
Friday, March 19, 2010
Back to single:)
After a month having in a relationship.i finally came out single.yeah.i know people would thought im gonna be sad and all.but yeah,we have to be tough to get on with this life.We have to face what's gonna happen next.and yeah,for what i thought we have to move on.I know i loved this guy,but we have to accept the things that happens to us and be patient for all of this.and yeah,it was a shock to me realizing id been in a relationship for a month.i felt i was single,most of the time.really.It's not that i said i was single but i only felt that because the guy wasnt here.and I know the truth always hurts a lot.and for the truth,the guy who you always talk about,i loved him very much and everytime when you talked about him,my heart just beats fast.i tried to forget him but,yeah.i really cant.i dont know why but i can see that you were sort of jealous of him.And yeah,like i always said.Youre the one who started it,so youre the one who have to end it.i was right.You ended it exactly a month we're in a relationship.Thanks a lot.i really appreciate for what you've done.I dont know what's gonna happen next,but i hope good things will come.:) i hope this blog wouldnt offend you.sorry for if i said may hurt your feelings.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
can i have this guy?
we've known for such a long time and my feelings fer him,urgghh i dont know.agak lama ahh gak i liked this guy.everytime i opened my myspace acc,mesti terslack tgk his profile.durhhh.*tangan gatal.hahahaha.and last time i met him,he hantar me balik and i did something that i like to do the most:)kacauing his hair.and he tak marah but just smiled.gosh.please laaaa.what the hell is wrong with me.gilagilagila.hahahhahaa.i really cant tell ya who he is.only my six chicks know:D
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I miss you Raxief Maula;(

I miss our secrets and i know its been a long time we didnt met.and seriously after you'd gone to New York,its getting more harder to contact with you.and yeah,we didnt have our conversation like the old days.gosshh i really miss you darling.i hope you could stop by to Malaysia when you have your hols.
I really miss you my only best friend:)
Raxief Maula:)
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