So yeah,yesterday was a very good day for me.Went for a visit to LimKokWing campus considering Fahmi wanted to see his ol' friend:) It wasn't much as I expected or seen in some shows.It was totally different than Segi.Well,as we were hanging out at their cafe.I was shocked to see my old friend Faiz and Farhi!They both were bestfriend from the first time I met them,and now?same UNIVERSITY too?!wow,surely they're really good friends though.yeah,I miss them and they miss me alot:D ahh havent seen them for ages!So after that,we went to eat some delicious Nasi Ayam at the terminal.It was great and cheap too!hahaha,then we went to Hartamas cause Fahmi wanted to cuci gambar and we lepak at bestari for a while.then we went to Nasi Lemak Hartamas and Kuchai brought god,we played for like 2hours straight and Im the third richest among them.WHOOHOOO:D oh yeah,i also met my dream guy last night;D hahaha
Well,I'll be having my finals tomorrow.Wish me luck thou!oh my,no more spending alot of time on facebook neither bloggin too huh?well,what to do?2 weeks of exam is just too much-.- yeah and I havent eaten yet.maybe i'll just cook some scrambled eggs with bread.haih.and the one thing that I hate the most is I got ZITS!!ergh,it hurts:( but yeah,thank god i have my dermedex(cehh promote)hahahah:D So somebody or I can call anonymous asked me on fs about my ex?well why bother?I mean,he's my ex so why do you even want to ask?I just dont understand people nowadays.
Oh yeah,And this month.well,we can call it 'Tragedi Oktober" because lots of things been going around.And yes some of it was just irritating and annoyed me to death-.- but what to do?Life must go on.once you go up,must come down back to the way it started.Okay guyss gotta jet!Im freakin hungry and i missed spongebob-.- so long and have a NAISSSSS DAY:D