Monday, December 31, 2012
Au Revoir 2012,Bonjour 2013!
Well hello there lovelettes! how have you guys been doing? I'm pretty sure you guys are well ;) So yeah,it's finally 2013! my goodness.Time flies by so fast these days.I just can't wait to start something new and well,being productive is a part of it.haha
Well,it's kinda fun watching people posting fireworks pictures on social sites.But unfortunately,I kinda spent my New Years Eve at home.Listening to A rocket to the moon and wrapping myself since it's kinda cold tonight.haha So that's how I celebrate my New Year.hahaha
I know,I'll be missing 2012 so much! why? well,I'm finally in college.Blessed with such awesome people in my life.I got Nick(le car ) and probably the most unforgettable memories in 2012.I'm just going to miss this a lot.Yes,I have to admit there were ups and downs in certain parts but hey,what's life without challenge?I've learned a lot in 2012.Gaining experiences,learning mistakes.Made me who I am today.
Well,this 2013 is just a beginning.I'm resetting all of my emotions,my childish behaviors( only a bit! haha ) and my weird habits.well,my new years resolution will be much better than before.I'm letting go of all the negativities behind and keep on moving forward.Past are just bad memories.That's all :)
So yeah,2013 is a new beginning of a new Chapter in life of le me :3 Let's just hope that this year can bring out the best of me :) Till then,adios amigos! Good night people and have an AWESOME NEW YEAR!!!
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Au Revoir Semester 2!
Bonjour mon amis ! how have you guys been doing lately?Okay firstly I would like to say my weekend didn't ended up well cause I'm having fever right now.This sucks big time considering I just done with my second semester.Fact is,I'm gonna miss my mates.All those memories are hard to forget.Even though certain things don't go well during our times,we still hang on to one another and make it happen.
Yes,I know I have to apologize for all the things that may hurt other people's feelings. It wasn't really an intention of mine to do that.Accidents do happen for some reason.But let's forgive and forget and start again aite?
Well,along this journey,I met Fath who was an old friend of mine and Qila. Who we actually know each other earlier than what people would expect. hahaa this is such a coincidence that we're all in the same class! HAHAHAHA
Well,Ive been caught up with loads of assignments and I found out I'm having some medical problems which I wasn't aware of.I won't gonna tell you guys but I'm doing fine,Alhamdulillah :)
So yeah,i'm kinda crack tonight (no,I'm not taking drugs.I'm just crack! ) So this is just like a random post.Anyways I'm missing my loved ones so so much and can't wait to meet them again! Argh sorry people! i've been feeling so awkward since it's been a while since I blogged out something.Hell yeah!I think this is it.okay mon amis.goodnight and au revoir me loves :3
Yes,I know I have to apologize for all the things that may hurt other people's feelings. It wasn't really an intention of mine to do that.Accidents do happen for some reason.But let's forgive and forget and start again aite?
Well,along this journey,I met Fath who was an old friend of mine and Qila. Who we actually know each other earlier than what people would expect. hahaa this is such a coincidence that we're all in the same class! HAHAHAHA
Well,Ive been caught up with loads of assignments and I found out I'm having some medical problems which I wasn't aware of.I won't gonna tell you guys but I'm doing fine,Alhamdulillah :)
So yeah,i'm kinda crack tonight (no,I'm not taking drugs.I'm just crack! ) So this is just like a random post.Anyways I'm missing my loved ones so so much and can't wait to meet them again! Argh sorry people! i've been feeling so awkward since it's been a while since I blogged out something.Hell yeah!I think this is it.okay mon amis.goodnight and au revoir me loves :3
Friday, September 28, 2012
Hell yeah Hazril!Happy Sweet 18!:D
Well hello there guys!have have you guys been doing?well,Alhamdulillah I'm doing fine here.Just getting busy with my 2nd Semester ;)Oh yeah,yesterday was Hazril's Birthday! Happy Birthday again Hazril!hahahaha okay it was a surprise birthday party and he didn't even expect this.Lol the party planner was me and Aneem.Of course! lol
So Aneem and I eventually get into our master plan last Monday and we called all our classmates and 1st semester friends to tell our plan.Then we actually pranked him by making him thought that he lost his phone.My God,it was so epic till we thought that he's pissed with us.Lol,then Aneem started to ask him whether is he free this thursday for dinner (well,we acted out real good!he didn't even notice it! hahahaa).
So my class was cancelled on Thursday,So I have a lot of time trying to get Hazril something for his birthday.So I made him something instead of buying a gift for him.Haha so I tried to finish making his gift before I pick him up from Segi and yeah,wasn't that nice though.hahahaha after getting ready,I went to Segi to pick him up along with Amalina.Then we're off to Rasta.At first I called Aneem to tell that we might be late,turns out she was late too! hahaha. Then I met Maryam who was alone and we hang out in the car for a while.Then when Petra and Aneem arrived,we went in and met Ainun and Damia along with her boyfriend,Danny :) we had our dinner while waiting for others to come.At first,Hazril thought that it was only us.He didn't expect it was going to be a lot then.Then Irman came with his cute sister and along with Adib and Shera and Amaleena :) Then we had our dinner and hang out for a while.Aneem wasn't with us all the time due to making the surprise party work :p Surprisingly,there's another guy's birthday at that moment.So when the band came to us,Hazril still didn't expect it was for him.He thought it was for the other guy!(lucky us right?) then we gathered and sang Happy Birthday along with the bands and Intan came with the cake. Hazril was EXTREMELY SURPRISED! The look on his face was epic! hahaha from that moment,I knew we did it!Our plan works! Then we had our pictures together and Aneem gave him his birthday present.Hazril was thrilled and I still couldn't believe that we actually make this plan works!Love you Aneem!:* Then I told Hazril that I didn't get him anything on his birthday.Alot of times almost get kantoi-ed by him.He even hold my birthday present but he didn't notice that(fuhh,that was lucky) then when I'm on my way sending him back home,I gave his birthday present.And yeah,he opened it.I won't tell you guys what's the gift I'd make though :p lol even though it was late,but we had an amazing time!Seriously!
So here's a picture of us on his Surprise Birthday party :D The band came and sang Happy Birthday for him :)
He was surprised! lol oh of course! me and the birthday boy himself!
It was an awesome night for us,thank you all for coming and making this happen!Lot's of love;) SA xx
So Aneem and I eventually get into our master plan last Monday and we called all our classmates and 1st semester friends to tell our plan.Then we actually pranked him by making him thought that he lost his phone.My God,it was so epic till we thought that he's pissed with us.Lol,then Aneem started to ask him whether is he free this thursday for dinner (well,we acted out real good!he didn't even notice it! hahahaa).
So my class was cancelled on Thursday,So I have a lot of time trying to get Hazril something for his birthday.So I made him something instead of buying a gift for him.Haha so I tried to finish making his gift before I pick him up from Segi and yeah,wasn't that nice though.hahahaha after getting ready,I went to Segi to pick him up along with Amalina.Then we're off to Rasta.At first I called Aneem to tell that we might be late,turns out she was late too! hahaha. Then I met Maryam who was alone and we hang out in the car for a while.Then when Petra and Aneem arrived,we went in and met Ainun and Damia along with her boyfriend,Danny :) we had our dinner while waiting for others to come.At first,Hazril thought that it was only us.He didn't expect it was going to be a lot then.Then Irman came with his cute sister and along with Adib and Shera and Amaleena :) Then we had our dinner and hang out for a while.Aneem wasn't with us all the time due to making the surprise party work :p Surprisingly,there's another guy's birthday at that moment.So when the band came to us,Hazril still didn't expect it was for him.He thought it was for the other guy!(lucky us right?) then we gathered and sang Happy Birthday along with the bands and Intan came with the cake. Hazril was EXTREMELY SURPRISED! The look on his face was epic! hahaha from that moment,I knew we did it!Our plan works! Then we had our pictures together and Aneem gave him his birthday present.Hazril was thrilled and I still couldn't believe that we actually make this plan works!Love you Aneem!:* Then I told Hazril that I didn't get him anything on his birthday.Alot of times almost get kantoi-ed by him.He even hold my birthday present but he didn't notice that(fuhh,that was lucky) then when I'm on my way sending him back home,I gave his birthday present.And yeah,he opened it.I won't tell you guys what's the gift I'd make though :p lol even though it was late,but we had an amazing time!Seriously!
So here's a picture of us on his Surprise Birthday party :D The band came and sang Happy Birthday for him :)
He was surprised! lol oh of course! me and the birthday boy himself!
It was an awesome night for us,thank you all for coming and making this happen!Lot's of love;) SA xx
Monday, September 3, 2012
September?Let's go!
Well hello there guys!It's already September.Wow,how fast the time goes by.
Right now,I'm having my semester break and yeah.Today I went off to help Ryan doing his final project.I gotta admit it's been a while since we do these kinds of things and yeah.I miss doing this a lot!Well we actually made a commercial for Ryan's showcase so you guys should wait for the video to come out.Gonna be edit them real soon;)
Apart of that,we had Ervi,Eqal and Alay today helping out our video-shooting;) We started off by leaving the house around 3-4 after fetching Ervi,Eqal and Alay up then we off to the shooting venue.We finished them real quick cause Ryan said it's a very very short video.So yeah.Then Alay had to go back early because he have stuffs to Ryan,Eqal,Ervi and I went off to Midvalley using KTM(no,we left our car at the LRT).Considering it's been a while since I haven't been going to places with LRTs.hehe so we had a good time window shopping and messing around along the way:P
Then we went back to my place to freshen up and take a rest after a long day of walking.Then we head to Damansara PErdana for supper and then send Ervi and Eqal back home.
It was a very good day indeed.Though we had a long day.It was worth it.Okay well,this is just about what happens today.I'm gonna be doing another project real soon.So yeah,wait for it,InsyaAllah ;) till then,so long and have a great September and before I forget,Selamat Hari Raya to all the muslims around the world!Okay take care people!
Right now,I'm having my semester break and yeah.Today I went off to help Ryan doing his final project.I gotta admit it's been a while since we do these kinds of things and yeah.I miss doing this a lot!Well we actually made a commercial for Ryan's showcase so you guys should wait for the video to come out.Gonna be edit them real soon;)
Apart of that,we had Ervi,Eqal and Alay today helping out our video-shooting;) We started off by leaving the house around 3-4 after fetching Ervi,Eqal and Alay up then we off to the shooting venue.We finished them real quick cause Ryan said it's a very very short video.So yeah.Then Alay had to go back early because he have stuffs to Ryan,Eqal,Ervi and I went off to Midvalley using KTM(no,we left our car at the LRT).Considering it's been a while since I haven't been going to places with LRTs.hehe so we had a good time window shopping and messing around along the way:P
Then we went back to my place to freshen up and take a rest after a long day of walking.Then we head to Damansara PErdana for supper and then send Ervi and Eqal back home.
It was a very good day indeed.Though we had a long day.It was worth it.Okay well,this is just about what happens today.I'm gonna be doing another project real soon.So yeah,wait for it,InsyaAllah ;) till then,so long and have a great September and before I forget,Selamat Hari Raya to all the muslims around the world!Okay take care people!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
EXAM! Nyummeh!
Well hello there people!Alhamdulillah we've been fasting for over 25 days already.Wow,time do flies.Anyways things have been good for me.I managed to settle up bunch of assignments before due date and yeah,I'm gonna be having my first exam in less than 7 hours.Yeah,bro.My exam starts at 2 p.m. which is GLT(stands for General Language Training.Which is also meant by English)lol so yeah,I'm kinda nervous because you know,all those things you have to do neatly and clearly.yeah,all those sort of stuffs.haha and yeah,well love life?hmm currently nothing is going on I guess.Just some sort of crushes and you know,*hehehe well.Let's just go with the flow aite? Btw I can't help it but nowadays,I find it hard to actually fall in love with someone because nowadays,real men are hard to find.No,seriously.Old times,they used to tell that 'perempuan melayu terakhir' right?Well,i think the definition now is 'lelaki melayu terakhir'.hahaa i know many guys won't approve me but seriously.This is what I see and kinda made a research about it.(I'm not a man freak okay?) hahaha okay but somehow,somewhere,somewhat,there is still a gentlemen out there:) InsyaAllah.haha okay I'm mumbling. Great. lol. okay then,till then,cheerio! Wish me luck for today :D
Lots of love,S.A xx
Friday, August 3, 2012
A.W.E.S.O.M.E,Hell Yeah!
Well hello there!I had a great time today!Why?well because I had my iftar with the most awesome people on earth!Yes they're awesomeeee :D So basically we had our GLT class today and I don't know why Miss Angela have to end the class earlier than usual today.So as me,Aneem,Maryam,Dianah,Ellyna,Amalina and Hazril got nothing to do until 6 so we wander around from the office and the study then when everything is all set,we convoyed along with Irman to our destination.We had our iftar at Homst TTDI and I tell you,we basically closed the entrance of Homst because,yes.It's 20 people and after we break our fast,we went to Petra's house for some random photo we stayed there until 10p.m. No,we didn't realize what time was it.Hahaha anyways,it's fun to have your class mates have fun together but sadly our short semester almost end.:( I just hope we had our fun again one more time!I just love them!By the way,here are some photos we took at Petra's :)
Irman and I.I don't know how but we have been friends in Facebook since I don't know when.LOL!
This is Hazril.Who is silly and wacko at the same time!haha!
With Amalina:3
So that's just about it.We had a really really good time today.We had a GREAT TIME!I just wish we can do this more often.InsyaAllah :)anyways I gotta go!Lot's of love<3
Irman and I.I don't know how but we have been friends in Facebook since I don't know when.LOL!
This is Hazril.Who is silly and wacko at the same time!haha!
With Amalina:3
So that's just about it.We had a really really good time today.We had a GREAT TIME!I just wish we can do this more often.InsyaAllah :)anyways I gotta go!Lot's of love<3
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Welcome Ramadhan!
Assalamualaikum and hello there people!How are you guys?I'm feeling good as ever ;) Btw today is the first day of Ramadhan in the year of 2012 ;) I'm excited :D yeayyy!So basically I have been in college for almost a month already.Everything went well,Alhamdulillah.I just done my Islamic,GLT and Malaysian studies presentation last week.Kinda nervous though considering I'm not really good in doing presentations.So I have to improve at some so last night,I had double sahur with ervi.I had indomee burger and mcdonalds(my goodness,irresistable!) And yeah,I woke up late today.And now I'm in front of my little notebook writing this So anyways I don't have much to say but I would like to wish to all Muslims everywhere,happy fasting and may Allah bless our Ramadhan.InsyaAllah.
Lots of love,SA xx
Lots of love,SA xx
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Busy busy busy!
Hello people!How are you?Unfortunately I'm not feeling well as I'm having flu.So it's kinda disturbing though.Haih what to do :/ So right now I'm getting more busier than ever cause I'm having my short semester and yeah,everything is packed.I got 2 assignments to get done and believe me,it's not that we always do things last minute,it's that the time given is not enough.So yeah.
So it has been my second week in college.Everything was well.I met new and old friends.Which is kinda good for me :) And I'm starting my new chapter since it's already July.Having a better goal and so on.hehee and right now I miss my babies a lot which is Faiqah and Amira.They're already further their studies but not in the same college.So it's kinda hard to meet up and we haven't got the time to hang out.So yeah,kinda sad though.Right now,I'm glad that I met such good friends here and yeah,having a good time is a part of my life.So I noticed that I changed a lot since I'm in college.I don't know why but I did.nevermind about that.I'm still
So I think this is just a quick update about my life.Still have lots of things going on.haha so wish me luck in everything and yeah,keep on chilling.
Lots of love,SA
So it has been my second week in college.Everything was well.I met new and old friends.Which is kinda good for me :) And I'm starting my new chapter since it's already July.Having a better goal and so on.hehee and right now I miss my babies a lot which is Faiqah and Amira.They're already further their studies but not in the same college.So it's kinda hard to meet up and we haven't got the time to hang out.So yeah,kinda sad though.Right now,I'm glad that I met such good friends here and yeah,having a good time is a part of my life.So I noticed that I changed a lot since I'm in college.I don't know why but I did.nevermind about that.I'm still
So I think this is just a quick update about my life.Still have lots of things going on.haha so wish me luck in everything and yeah,keep on chilling.
Lots of love,SA
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Hell Yeah College!
Well hello guys!How have you guys been doing?I'm always fine and Alhamdulillah everything is well :) So yes!I'm finally in college!Haha weird but true :) I feel relieved cause I'm finally in the college that I have been sneaking in and pretending I'm one of the college students for 3 years :p (teheeee!)well basically I didn't go to that college often lol.So I guess that most lecturer may have saw me a couple of times.But nahhh,they got too many kids to remember.HAHA!
Well,I started my orientation yesterday.I woke up so early cause I'm having nightmares,and sick.Well,I just found out that whenever I got something extremely big or important happens,I will automatically will fall sick the day before.Weird right?haha,not to worry,I'm fine now:) So yesterday I went to Segi with Ryan and he only sent me there and then went to pick up Jahn after that.So as I walked through the hall and finally on the registration counter.I was extremely nervous.I felt so scared and nervous at the same time.Maybe because of the people that went there have more friends and accompanied by parents and so on.So when the orientation starts,I sat alone.Next to an indian girl who doesn't even talked to me from 10-12 am in the afternoon.I don't know why,but I feel kinda sad though.But nevermind about that.I waited for Ryan and Jahn to came and I met them last minute before I went to the next place.After that when I reached the place that I was asked to go,I met this one girl standing facing the room I was heading to.I found out that she is also in creative design so I'm feeling a bit relieved.And then we have to switch places and then we finally gathered ourselves in a room.Yes,I was the only one taking Graphic Design in that intake.hahaha.We only have 8 people in our class.So yeah,kinda weird.haha.Then we have been exercising by walking up and down the stairs and went here and there,haiyoo lots of things to do on the first yeah,finally we're done with everything and my kaki were melecet because of walking too much.hahaha
So yeah,I had fun.and I found out Amira's brother,acap is now studying for degree there.hahaha.And today was my second orientation.It went well.I went to the photography studio today to hang out with Ervi and some of her friends.It was fun:) btw I think this is just about it.Gonna blog again soon if I have time.I'll be starting my first class tomorrow.So yeah,wish me luck ;) till then,au revoir te amo ;)
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Hell Yeah 18!
Well hello there guys!How have you guys been?:D I'm feeling happy as always and yes!I finally stepped into the 18th world.Lol My birthday was last Saturday which is on the 9th June 2012 :) So yes,I share the same birthday as our Captain Jack Sparrow a.k.a Johnny Depp :D and yes!Nick is already 4 months old too!So yeah :D
Monday, May 28, 2012
Hell Yeah Toodle Dee Doo!
Hello people!How have you guys been doing?Hope things are getting better each day ;) So last week,as I was scrolling some recent updates on Facebook,Sephora Malaysia posted a picture of a nice full set of pallete called Pret-A-Pallete.And it actually consists of 42 colors including blush and lip gloss.Well at first I thought the price was reasonable.So I showed them to my dad.And he actually approved me buying the pallete.Yes,I was freaking out at the moment but I'm just glad to have something that I wanted in my hands :) So I went to KLCC yesterday considering Ryan also wanted to buy some camera equipment for my dad.Then I went there and asked the sales girl is the pallete is still available.They actually still have lots of em.Like seriously.Lol silly me.And I felt relieved because the pallete is still there.haha So as she passed me the box,my hands are tingling. I got butterflies on my big tummy.Everything felt so nice ;) So I went to the counter and finally,the pallete is mine.Oh my,this is awkward but seriously.It was the best thing ever.Then I rushed to the car park and then Ryan and I are off to Pudu Plaza to buy the camera filter and a monopod for my dad.I was absolute satisfied with the pallete that I bought.So I guess this is an early present for me considering my birthday is just around the corner and my dad is not going to be celebrating with me cause he's going on a honeymoon to Italy with Auntie Kas.Damn!I just wish I could go too :( but oh well,let's just hope they have a safe journey there !Anyways here's some of the picture I took with the new Sephora Pret-A-Porter pallete along with my other pallete that I own ;) Anyway guys,I gotta go!
Au revoir mon amis ;)
xxSarah Azr
This is when I was scrolling on Facebook when I found this one :D
It's absolutely amazing :D
Some of my other palletes;)
Au revoir mon amis ;)
xxSarah Azr
This is when I was scrolling on Facebook when I found this one :D
It's absolutely amazing :D
Some of my other palletes;)
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Mr Right?
Hello guys!What's up?Hope you guys are doing fine :) well basically these are the common types of question that people like to ask.To be honest,I admit we all have that type of people that we want to be our side :) hehe okay I'm going to tell you guys about the type of guy that I like(sorry if any of these may upset you or anything.IT's all based on my own opinion )
We all want our guy to actually care and love us the way we are.Even without any make up on.Haha well,basically I never really experienced these kinds of stuffs.(kinda loser right?) hahaha maybe I'm just not really that girly enough or something.But all we want is they to accept us for who we are and what we are not.Some things might change,but some times,it's for the better :)
I'm always into tall guys but somehow,what we want is not always what we get right?haha so well,just go with the flow :)
by the way,A little bit of muscle wont hurt aite?:p like Captain America,Chris Evans?heheheeee oh my,I'm just kidding :p
And I like talented people.It shows that they're good at something and focused with their future:))
Well that is what on my top list in the type of Mr Right :p But we can't predict the future and we can't go back to the future.So I'm gonna go with the flow and see what the future will be.Right now,I'm Forever Awesome and no,I'm not looking for a husband lol cause I'm still 18 and gonna focus on my studies first :) anyways,this is just a random no harm done and good luck in everything :D
Lots of Love,SA xx
Monday, April 30, 2012
Make ups,Hell Yeah!
Well hello there people!It's me and yes,Hello MAY!Can't believe how time flies by so so fast!And I'm probably going to College by July ;) well,don't mind about that.So let's get on to the topic!Makeups.
Well basically in Malaysia,In the average of 60% of people prefer to go out without makeup.Actually,in my point of view,it's actually okay to wear make up.The most basic things they can actually wear is powder,eyeliner with a hint of lip gloss or lip balm.Anything can do.Well,to the other 40% prefers makeup.Well to tell you the truth,I'm in between.I prefer with and without makeup.I admit I am a make up freak.But at some point,you have to give your skin a little breathe :) So let's talk about kinds of make up that people like to wear :)
Light Make up
Basically these are mostly natural and simple type of make up.Which is usable on daily wear and suits on everything.There are times when you can actually just apply concealer to cover up your blemishes and acne with translucent powder or just apply a hint of shimmery white or champagne eye shadow to give that popping effect on your eyes.
Heavy Make up
Well basically in Malaysia,they prefer to wear this type of make ups on certain occasions like weddings and dinners.Actually you can wear this type of makeup anytime you want.By wearing these type of makeup,you gotta sacrifice a bit of your time to choose some outfits before you wear your make up.Not all color suits with the way you wear.
Bright Make up
This type of make up is not common in Malaysia,why?because what I can say is not all people can rock the bright look on daily wear.Most people will say that bright looks bad.It's actually not,it actually makes your eyes popped out and makes your skin look fresh and bright.But you have to be careful with the makeup color that you want to wear.Try to use tones on your eyes.Mix and match instead of just go with the flow.Some colors aren't suitable with one another.So be aware that you might not get what you wanted.Be brave and show the world you're rockin' the bright!
Neon Makeup Look
Neon colors always amazes me.This type of make up can be wear on daily basis but be sure to not over wear your neon ;)
There are more types of makeups that I can say but this is the list of what people mostly like to wear on daily basis.Eventually these types are actually okay for the people.It's up to them whether to wear it or not.This is my only point of view.No harm done and I would like to apologize if some of the things I wrote maybe hurt your feelings or something.Anyways,have fun and be confident with yourself.You decide your own make up :) Thanks and love you guys lots!
xx SA
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Moderation baby!
Well hello there guys!How have you guys been doing?Apologies for my lateness.hehehe.Well here's a topic that I would say very important for you guys to know.Moderation.
What is Moderation actually?
Based on what I've googled(basically we all know the meaning but to be precise)
Moderation is the process of eliminating or lessening extremes. It is used to ensure normality throughout the medium on which it is being conducted.
So yeah,I know it's sometimes human nature to boast about things,like example when they achieved something good in life or having something that you have been working on for a long time.Yes,that is sometimes good.but to be exact,exaggerating things is not okay.A BIG DONT for me if you ask.Sometimes,you can exaggerate things.but if you do it often,well people will get bored of hearing that(honesty is always the best policy) and by just talking,people can get second thoughts.Unless if you really own those stuffs then its best to be moderate.In Islam,our prophet Muhammad SAW says,Moderation is a good thing.Islam is moderate.So apologies for other religions out there but to me,moderation should be inside of every human beings.To me,when you wanted to boast about something,let it be for real.Don't exaggerate things that you don't have.cause people will know its a lie.So be moderate in everything.
This is basically what I have in mind and I wanted to share with you guys.Apologies for my harshness or mistakes.
P/S:Aceh,Indonesia had a terrible earthquake at 3:38pm yesterday.So let's pray for them and hope everything will turn out okay.InsyaAllah ;)
Lots of love,SA
What is Moderation actually?
Based on what I've googled(basically we all know the meaning but to be precise)
Moderation is the process of eliminating or lessening extremes. It is used to ensure normality throughout the medium on which it is being conducted.
So yeah,I know it's sometimes human nature to boast about things,like example when they achieved something good in life or having something that you have been working on for a long time.Yes,that is sometimes good.but to be exact,exaggerating things is not okay.A BIG DONT for me if you ask.Sometimes,you can exaggerate things.but if you do it often,well people will get bored of hearing that(honesty is always the best policy) and by just talking,people can get second thoughts.Unless if you really own those stuffs then its best to be moderate.In Islam,our prophet Muhammad SAW says,Moderation is a good thing.Islam is moderate.So apologies for other religions out there but to me,moderation should be inside of every human beings.To me,when you wanted to boast about something,let it be for real.Don't exaggerate things that you don't have.cause people will know its a lie.So be moderate in everything.
This is basically what I have in mind and I wanted to share with you guys.Apologies for my harshness or mistakes.
P/S:Aceh,Indonesia had a terrible earthquake at 3:38pm yesterday.So let's pray for them and hope everything will turn out okay.InsyaAllah ;)
Lots of love,SA
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Hell yeah SPM RESULT!
I woke up at 8 in the morning today.I kept on getting dreams about my result.So after I took my shower and got myself ready.I went out with my Nick and went off to fetch Mira up :) and when I met her,oh my.We were like hugging each other sampai taknak lepas.seriously,3 months is sooooo long I tell you.So yeah,we headed to school and then headed to the school hall.It was already crowded when we got there.After we took our school yearbook,I met Nami.It was really,a different kind of environment considering most of the people has changed.Then we found ourself sitting cause the teacher wants to announce the people who got Straight A's.Alhamdulillah,27 people managed to score Straight A's and it was utterly epic when this one guy named Aqil,jumps off the stage and hugged his mother.seriously.It was epic that we got up and queue up for our results.
It was really a nervous plus depressing moment while waiting for the result.After Mira had took her results,she was waiting for me and then,Faiqah and Sharmaine came :) I miss them both so so much!and then when I got my slip,my class teacher told me I got A for my Tassawur.Then,in my mind I thought okay maybe i only got around 2 A's or something like that.Then when I looked at my result,I almost fainted and hugged mira.I was crying man!(it felt really embarrassing crying in front of a lot of people :/) I GOT 4A's and none fail!I was shocked at that moment.I mean,i didn't expect to get such result.Then I called my mum and she was happy.I mean besides the maths la I got D for that subject :/ Then,I sent Mira back home with Sharmaine while Faiqah went out with her friend.Then we headed to Breadties to pickup Faiqah and then went straight to her house.
It's been like 3-4 years since I went to Faiqah's house.and alot has changed.we hang out with kak Fatin for a while and then headed straight back to Breadties.There I met Faiqah's friend and then we went to AEON Jusco to it was fun:) then we went back to Faiqah's house and hang out there for a while.I got back home around 7 something after sending Sharmaine back home at Ukay PErdana.Seriously,I had a good time today meeting my lovely friends and Alhamdulillah,everything turned out well :)
It was really a nervous plus depressing moment while waiting for the result.After Mira had took her results,she was waiting for me and then,Faiqah and Sharmaine came :) I miss them both so so much!and then when I got my slip,my class teacher told me I got A for my Tassawur.Then,in my mind I thought okay maybe i only got around 2 A's or something like that.Then when I looked at my result,I almost fainted and hugged mira.I was crying man!(it felt really embarrassing crying in front of a lot of people :/) I GOT 4A's and none fail!I was shocked at that moment.I mean,i didn't expect to get such result.Then I called my mum and she was happy.I mean besides the maths la I got D for that subject :/ Then,I sent Mira back home with Sharmaine while Faiqah went out with her friend.Then we headed to Breadties to pickup Faiqah and then went straight to her house.
It's been like 3-4 years since I went to Faiqah's house.and alot has changed.we hang out with kak Fatin for a while and then headed straight back to Breadties.There I met Faiqah's friend and then we went to AEON Jusco to it was fun:) then we went back to Faiqah's house and hang out there for a while.I got back home around 7 something after sending Sharmaine back home at Ukay PErdana.Seriously,I had a good time today meeting my lovely friends and Alhamdulillah,everything turned out well :)
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Oh Yeah RESULT?!!
The day has finally arrived!The SPM result is gonna be coming out tomorrow!And seriously,I'm seriously scared.I know I've done my best and it's already been I'm just gonna accept anything that I get.and face my fears.InsyaAllah I hope everything turns out well.tick tock tick tock,how time flies by so fast.To all 94's,Good luck and you should be proud of yourselves ;)
Lots of love,SA
Lots of love,SA
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Hell yeah be HAPPY:D
Well guys,I just gotta write something about this.and this got nothing to do with someone dead or alive(so this is basically my own opinion).So let's cut the crap and lets get started.
What to wear?Where to study?What am I going to do? well I'm sure you have experienced this in your daily life.So I'm sure you guys are used to it.So basically these are the things that makes you think hard and you gotta make the right decision.Well here's the thing,choose whatever makes you happy.Fact,its kinda hard cause this and that.Well,why don't have some adventure with it?I mean,you won't be living life to the fullest if you don't experienced something and learning from mistakes.Yes I admit I have too many regrets in life,but certainly life must go on.Don't let the past haunts you.Make the past a better lesson to get through life.Same goes to our love life(basically I'm not in a relationship right now so yeah),when we fall in love with this one person,yes.It's hard when it comes to dealing with this.You gotta keep your feelings and all and slowly go with the flow.yeah something like that.But if you got the courage to tell how you feel,go for it!even if it doesn't work out well.At least you have let go that one problem that burdens you.And yes,advice from friends are also useful.but be sure to actually rethink back and make sure you are making the right decision.Friends can help you by giving advice to what you're dealing.But the real decision is in your hands.Whether you like it or not.
Basically this is from my point of view,my own opinion.I lived through people and yes,friends come and go.Decisions can be a mistake at times.But sometimes,you gotta stop and rethink carefully of what you want in life.You deserve to have a smile on your face.So be happy ;D
Lots of love,SA
What to wear?Where to study?What am I going to do? well I'm sure you have experienced this in your daily life.So I'm sure you guys are used to it.So basically these are the things that makes you think hard and you gotta make the right decision.Well here's the thing,choose whatever makes you happy.Fact,its kinda hard cause this and that.Well,why don't have some adventure with it?I mean,you won't be living life to the fullest if you don't experienced something and learning from mistakes.Yes I admit I have too many regrets in life,but certainly life must go on.Don't let the past haunts you.Make the past a better lesson to get through life.Same goes to our love life(basically I'm not in a relationship right now so yeah),when we fall in love with this one person,yes.It's hard when it comes to dealing with this.You gotta keep your feelings and all and slowly go with the flow.yeah something like that.But if you got the courage to tell how you feel,go for it!even if it doesn't work out well.At least you have let go that one problem that burdens you.And yes,advice from friends are also useful.but be sure to actually rethink back and make sure you are making the right decision.Friends can help you by giving advice to what you're dealing.But the real decision is in your hands.Whether you like it or not.
Basically this is from my point of view,my own opinion.I lived through people and yes,friends come and go.Decisions can be a mistake at times.But sometimes,you gotta stop and rethink carefully of what you want in life.You deserve to have a smile on your face.So be happy ;D
Lots of love,SA
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Hi Nicky Nicky Nick!
Say hello to my baby Nick!By the way I got it last Friday and yes!Finally me and my dad got to actually make a surprise for Ryan!haha well,apart of being scolded,he never expect to get the car fast(me neither,actually) but Alhamdulillah.Everything turns out well ;) and yes,the first night I went to Al-Safa and met Chico there,along with Eqal and Amir :) It was really a fun night thou;) Anyways,I'm kinda bored now considering I have to woke Ryan up at 5 cause he's going to work at 6.Like hell crazy right?I mean,he's like working non-stop.I mean this week he works 7 freakin days!EVEN SUNDAY!oh my,kalah pak guard-.- hmm okay guys,need to go now.btw to this one awesome guy,I is miss you and if you can guess who,do tell me aite?:3 so long and take care loves :D
Friday, February 24, 2012
Forever Alone?:O
Well,I have to admit its been quite a while since I have a boyfriend.Well the reason why I'm staying single is because I keep on getting false hopes.And that's the truth.its not because I'm a lesbian.people shouldn't think of it that way.I mean,I prefer to call myself a 'forever alone' girl.which is in singular mode.not in terms of me liking my own gender(no offence) but I'm straight.100% no doubt:) So if people asking me why I am single,I should keep one meme on my phone and show it to them.I'm not really waiting for Mr Right but I'll just gonna go with the flow and we'll see what's gonna happen aite;) So here is an absolute special photo for you guys out there including me lol.takecare and have an awesome weekend;)

Obsessive Compulsive
Whenever things don't go my way,I'll stop and rethink back all the things I've done.I admit past had made me who I am now.I have to accept the fate,people come and go as they please.Everybody's changing,likewise the earth.Time won't stop,days will grow,and we became who we really are.No more broken promises,no more lies,no more foes.Only Friends and family sharing happiness all over.Hoping I could do better in life and for the least people know who I am by what I am good at and not my flaws.As I'm no perfect but unique.Never stop believing and cherish all the times we had.
Sarah Azr xx
Sarah Azr xx
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Makeup Services :)
Well hello there guys!Since I have been doing nothing after finished my high school,I'm now working freelance as a makeup artist.This will only be in Kuala Lumpur.Im starting small so please do help me with my career :) For any other inquiries and price,please do contact me through .Your help is highly appreciated;)
Friday, January 6, 2012
Goodbye L hello P :D
I FINALLY GOT MY LICENSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL.After too long postponing my driving license because of my exams,I finally got it!Alhamdulillah.never thought I would get them.Thanks to the people who supports me especially Kak Lily's husband and her own dad :) and also to this someone who I just met,even for just a while but really,he supported me until I passed.Even if he's like 5 months younger than me,but he's so adorable.Ehmmm back to our story.The bukit and all nasib baik lah okay kan.but never expect to pass that one.The highway,hmm it was okay la though I almost failed:/ but thank God I managed to pass both :) Now,I just have to wait for my P to be ready and then,I can start to drive :) So yeah.I'm just too excited :p hehehehee anyways,I'm now freelancing for photography and makeup services :) while then I'm looking for full/part time job.So wish me luck;) Till then,adios!
LOL.After too long postponing my driving license because of my exams,I finally got it!Alhamdulillah.never thought I would get them.Thanks to the people who supports me especially Kak Lily's husband and her own dad :) and also to this someone who I just met,even for just a while but really,he supported me until I passed.Even if he's like 5 months younger than me,but he's so adorable.Ehmmm back to our story.The bukit and all nasib baik lah okay kan.but never expect to pass that one.The highway,hmm it was okay la though I almost failed:/ but thank God I managed to pass both :) Now,I just have to wait for my P to be ready and then,I can start to drive :) So yeah.I'm just too excited :p hehehehee anyways,I'm now freelancing for photography and makeup services :) while then I'm looking for full/part time job.So wish me luck;) Till then,adios!
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