Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Hell Yeah College!
Well hello guys!How have you guys been doing?I'm always fine and Alhamdulillah everything is well :) So yes!I'm finally in college!Haha weird but true :) I feel relieved cause I'm finally in the college that I have been sneaking in and pretending I'm one of the college students for 3 years :p (teheeee!)well basically I didn't go to that college often lol.So I guess that most lecturer may have saw me a couple of times.But nahhh,they got too many kids to remember.HAHA!
Well,I started my orientation yesterday.I woke up so early cause I'm having nightmares,and sick.Well,I just found out that whenever I got something extremely big or important happens,I will automatically will fall sick the day before.Weird right?haha,not to worry,I'm fine now:) So yesterday I went to Segi with Ryan and he only sent me there and then went to pick up Jahn after that.So as I walked through the hall and finally on the registration counter.I was extremely nervous.I felt so scared and nervous at the same time.Maybe because of the people that went there have more friends and accompanied by parents and so on.So when the orientation starts,I sat alone.Next to an indian girl who doesn't even talked to me from 10-12 am in the afternoon.I don't know why,but I feel kinda sad though.But nevermind about that.I waited for Ryan and Jahn to came and I met them last minute before I went to the next place.After that when I reached the place that I was asked to go,I met this one girl standing facing the room I was heading to.I found out that she is also in creative design so I'm feeling a bit relieved.And then we have to switch places and then we finally gathered ourselves in a room.Yes,I was the only one taking Graphic Design in that intake.hahaha.We only have 8 people in our class.So yeah,kinda weird.haha.Then we have been exercising by walking up and down the stairs and went here and there,haiyoo lots of things to do on the first day.so yeah,finally we're done with everything and my kaki were melecet because of walking too much.hahaha
So yeah,I had fun.and I found out Amira's brother,acap is now studying for degree there.hahaha.And today was my second orientation.It went well.I went to the photography studio today to hang out with Ervi and some of her friends.It was fun:) btw I think this is just about it.Gonna blog again soon if I have time.I'll be starting my first class tomorrow.So yeah,wish me luck ;) till then,au revoir te amo ;)
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Hell Yeah 18!
Well hello there guys!How have you guys been?:D I'm feeling happy as always and yes!I finally stepped into the 18th world.Lol My birthday was last Saturday which is on the 9th June 2012 :) So yes,I share the same birthday as our Captain Jack Sparrow a.k.a Johnny Depp :D and yes!Nick is already 4 months old too!So yeah :D
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