Well hi everyone! How have you guys been? Firstly I would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year! Let us all prepare for the goodness and the bad that we're going to face this year. Well, 2013 have served me well. Although there's ups and downs and difficult challenges I have to face during the year, I finally made it to 2014 :) to all the friends that I met during 2013, thank you for all the awesome memories and my love towards you guys are infinite. So I hope you guys have a wonderful year ahead of you. Have fun and lots of love, SA xx
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Hello there Octo-BAAAAHHHHHH!!!!
Friday, July 26, 2013
Ramadhan ;)
Hi everyone;) first and foremost I would like to wish salam Ramadhan to all the Muslims around the world;) hope you guys are having a good one insyaAllah.
Well we all had a wonderful iftar yesterday. It was kind of my first time making plans and Alhamdulillah it went perfectly just fine. We reached at The Curve around 6 and Rickson and Afiq were waiting for us. Then Hazril and I went to buy a cake for Yasir since his birthday was today . Happy 19 Yasir! ! Haha but we celebrated last night. It was pretty weird because it was a Thai restaurant and the food choice was a bit complicated. But overall the food was better than what I expected. We did some fear factor also since certain of us ordered spicy food and the food was over the top spicy. Luckily I only trid Afiq's dish.hahaha then after we had our iftar, I asked the waiter to get the cake. Certainly Yasir didn't expect it. We all took pictures and certainly it was the best day of the whole month ;) I almost cried cause my plan actually works. Alhamdulillah ;)
I can't ever stop loving you guys. May our friendship lasts forever insyaAllah :)
Ohh and short note, after that we all went off and I kinda got to meet 'that someone' and we hangout for a while :) thank you love♥
I think thats just about it.i can say that this was the best memories that happened this month. Thank you Allah ;)
Friday, July 5, 2013
over the limit,July.
Hello people,how have you guys been doing? Hoping that you guys are well.Well basically l would say that today is one of my worst day ever. l accidentally hit my neighbour's car.I placed a note on his car.But he never called. haih.hmm what to do. l can feel that July gave me a whole lot of challenge and it's getting all over my head. l decided to have some time Alone.for two hours, l have the time on my own. l stayed in the car.Thinking that for all this time,l have been living to please everyone.
That is Why,I'm starting fresh.l need to be happy. So l have to let go Some of the things that I have been holding on for so long. I have to be strong. It's not going to be easy. I'm old enough to think whats good for me and my future. I tried to be someone people worth knowing but sometimes, they just dont like us.no matter what we do.
I have this bad habit where I like to dissociate myself from people. It's not good, I know but now it only happens when I can't take any longer. When I feel really bad about myself. Thinking how I have been making things hard for my loved ones. What I can say is that, those 2 hours when I was gone, none of them called. None of them knew I was away. Only one person knows where I were. I started to realized that Allah has gave me a gift, a friend. Which I truly believed her. She's the only person I told my problems and she never stop giving me motivating advice.
Dear Allah, thank you for giving me such challenge. Its also for my own sake too. Then again im off to bed. Thank you gor listening and goodnight ;)
Sunday, May 12, 2013
May,Hell yeah!

With Izara Aishah from Oh My English!!

Le Amores;) Faez,Zhaf and Nina ;)
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Marchies :3
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Holla March!
Saturday, January 19, 2013
January 2013? hell yeah!
Well,talking about life I'm now currently in my third semester in university.And yeah,coincidentally I'm in the same class as Ryan,Alay,Zerra and Chico.Pretty funny right? haha and for this semester,what saddens me the most is not having Dianah by my side.Unfortunately none of us have the same class.That's just well darn sad considering we have been in the same class for our first and second semester.what to do :/
So in this year,I'm learning to change.Maybe my appearance and my behavior towards people.I'm letting go of my past behind.I just don't like reminiscing old and bad memories.It's pretty unhealthy though.So in this year,I have been pretty much having thoughts and yes,kinda spent my time alone and thinking how I react towards the people I love and somehow,I just want them to tell all those negative thoughts they have about me(if they do).I'm trying to change.I tried realizing all of my mistakes but anyhow,I need people to help me.I can't change if I don't know what to change.And I'm pretty sure some people may have been talking behind my back.that's just how people are.But to be honest,I'm not the kind of person who likes to ruin people's friendship or the relationships that they have.I prefer to keep it to myself and accept their flaws.Maybe they're not like us but that's what makes people different.They're unique in their own way.Apart of that,my intentions towards the people I love was always nice.Though I get offended at times but I never kept revenge on them.It's sad when the people you love and cherish just hurt you without knowing how much you really cared about them.Maybe that's just who I am,trying to be a good friend but instead get kicked right on the head and be seen as someone who is pretty darn stupid.Well,maybe this is a test from Allah.So I have to bear with it.Even though my patience has made me crumpled inside.But that's okay.InsyaAllah I'll get through all of this :)
Even though things might be challenging in this early 2013,but I'll never give up on achieving my dreams.I won't going to let my weaknesses takes over me.So as a start,all those motivations will make me keep on going through life.No matter how hard it is ;)
Humans aren't perfect.So I'm trying to be an imperfect human perfectly.Then again,so long mon amis and take care loves ;)