ni la gambar kenangan terindah;)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Cameron Highlands:)
Bila terfikirkan balik macam nak je pusing waktu all over again and went back to yesterday.hahaha.Well,kitorang ada school trip for 2days in i decided to go la memandangkan da berzaman tak pergi.hahaha.then lepas da pack2 barang semua esok tu bertolak la ke sekolah.As usual i kena marah lagi dgn ryan dalam mimpi dia.haiyoo.hahaha.and da sampai je i jumpa la amira,then da sign2 nama i nampak pulak si mamat Fahmi tu hahaha.then we got up on the bus around 8 dan mula lah took about 3-4 hours nak g sana je.i took alot of pictures la kan on the way there.bila da sampai je kitorg g lunch and check into our hotel yang bernama ROSES AND PINES RESORT.then supposedly 1 room fits 8 people tau(with double decker bed),but Putri da kautim dgn cikgu instead of join the 8 people tu kitorg dapat 1 room 2 queen size beds.wahh mana tak happy kann.hahaha.Then kitorang pun after dah buat ape yang patut kitorg pun ikut la cikgu gerak g Taman Bunga(tak ingt nama)hahaha then kitorg g strawberry farm and memang penat and best sebab dapat minum Strawberry milkshake,nyummmmm hahaha then kitorg pun balik mandi solat makan etc,then ade la aktiviti bersantai.tu lepak kat luar jalan2 semua hahaha.then malam tu cikgu raihana asks us to tido awal tau but tau la kitorg ni kaki tido dduk la kat luar bilik and hujung tu ada kerusi.then cikgu Rostam join lepak kejap,pastu ade la sekumpulan lelaki ni hendap2 dr bilik then last2 ckp xleh tido gakk hahahaa.then dlm 10 minit cmtu cikgu suruh la dorg masuk bilik balik and cikgu pun masuk bilik dia.then tak sampai 10 minit ktorg ckp semua tiba2 jadi gelap sbb org tu ttup lampu.ape lagi kelam kabut la kitorang lari masuk bilik hashaha.Esok tu kitorg ada la bfast as usual then melawat ke bee farm huhh mmg bees all over the place;) setelah itu kami pun melawat ke ladang teh.pemandangan dia mmg tak boleh lupa.too beautiful haihh.hahahah.memang tak kelip mata la tgk tmpt tu,.hahhaa then kitorg pergi kdai2 tepi jalan beli buah2.haha.then kitorg pun balik hotel pack barang and check out.and then last skali kitorg pun g ladang strawberry haaaaa mmg best sbb banyak laaaa;D.but mmg best la trip pun tgh lenguh2 badan ni pasal baru balik kan hahaha.btw to the guy tu.i tried la babe but kau ni macam scary dengan tenunganmu yang tajam dan perasaan malu yang gila.;) hahaha
Thursday, October 22, 2009
aww wht a day:)
setelah berakhirnya peperiksaan Penilaian Menengah Rendah,All form 3 students had a Jamuan for Raya+Deepavali.ahaha.kira semua enjoy la en en.a day before jamuan,i dgn amira,tina and friends tlg la cikgu siap kan the dewan and all.we finished decorating the hall pd pukul 6 ptg.huhh mmg penat tak terkata la kan.but its a good effort thou:)then the jamuan starts at 9.30.memang best ahh tpi ade la geng2 gediks yg time nyanyi gerenti hujan(tak tipu,2x berturut)hahaha.then ade la my class monitor imran,yg SUPERSTAR babeee:D.hhahaha then i kira tukang tangkap gmbr la harini.adoii sakit kepala semua la ade.haishh.then i dpt one thing yg ive been wantinggg gilaaa2:D but kalau nk tau tny sendiri oke?ni pvt sikit hahaha:D so habis mcm biasa semua and yes,we're mostly thirsty all the time.hahaha.but its a good moment to share laa:) iloveyouguysomuch:D
Monday, October 12, 2009
Penilaian Menengah Rendah

It was scary spooky and etc and its called started on the 7th of october till 13th of october.well,the first day of the exam was fine.and thankfully i can do it well.and today is the most hilarious day ever.hahaa.well it started like i stayed up late last night and i remembered ive already set my alarm clock.and around 4 in the morning i received a message from amira asking if i had some extra protrector for the maths paper 2,but i didnt reply so i continue my sleep back.but when i woke up.i looked at the watch and GOSH!its already 6.45!!!!and i dont even prepare all my things yet!and i bang Ryans door and he woke up with a terrible panic behaviour too.i sort of scare him to hell.hahahaha.i reached to school around 7.25 and gosh.its a hell of a day.maths is terribly confusing and believe dont want to hear the history too.hahahaha
well,ive learned my lesson somehow.never been better,sleep at the right time people!hahaa.especially when ure having your BIG exams.hahahah:)
Friday, October 9, 2009
1 year older:)

hope youre enjoying your birthday fath:D
Thursday, September 24, 2009
its a new story:)
Well,i had my day with my bestfriend yana,my aussie friend Georgia and Amir,Amin,and Chinpeng.well,yana and georgia have to get back home early so theres only me,amir amin and chinpeng left.along with my penguin,Boboy:)haha then we headed to the cinema to watch but sakit belakang sbb duduh 2nd front punya row.pundek betul.ahaha.but then,amin and chinpeng left after the movie along with tinggal je la i dgn amir.and we pergi beli barang then pergi foodcourt kejap.i was craving for ABC that time.huh.sedap:Pthen,i started to keluar abt what Raxief asks me yesterday.he suruh i confess.but then,Amir.he said he already knew.i was like...hahaha okay.then he said he said that he knew it since the day yg gmbr i dgn dia first keluar.haha.well,after had a crazy long talk.i have to say,he's the first person who i think had made me accept the reason why i can be with him.yes.agak pelik but i tny la,sapa nak hilang a good friend and appreciates what youve done and furthermore,a person who always there to make us happy?i xnak oh hilang tu with i made my choice.he's a good person and i will have him in my heart walaupun im with some other guy.but still.there are alot of guys out there kan?you just have to wait for the right one:)its a day i will never forget:)
P/s:i merepek ni and seriously,best ada kawan nyah mcm amir ni:D
i was listening to jesse mccartney-right back in the water
P/s:i merepek ni and seriously,best ada kawan nyah mcm amir ni:D
i was listening to jesse mccartney-right back in the water
Sunday, September 13, 2009
12 September:)
What a dayy:D hahaha.around 3 bermula la dgn naik train pergi pavii.tapi mmg lawak sbb da berzaman x naik enn.hhahaa.then sampai2 je pergi la bb jumpa teman la dia pergi shopping kat area bb tu.dgn pusing2 bb pastu jumpa la adik amir and amin meow and adik amir yg bernama amirul tu nak cr barang,amir plak nak pergi pavi so ikut je la dia.sampai2 je jumpa eiraa pastu terjumpa mira and ramai2 lahh enn.then jumpa Meor Azrul dgn kawan dia.tgh2 jalan tu tiba2 ada sorg mamat pakai baju merah tgk2.dgn perasaan pelik tgk la dia.OMG mmg terkejut rupanya Fathh.hahahhaha.sewel jeehh,.pas jumpa dia jumpa plak dola.hahah.mmg tak sengaja la jumpa.hahahaha.memang semua yg tak jumpa berjumpa.hahahaa.then time nak berbuka tu lepak dgn amir kat foodcourt pastu terjumpa Syaaa.hahahahhaa.then time nak beli air tu terjumpa plak HAZIMRUSLAN yg ****** tuuu.hahahaha.memang nampak muka dia mcm jeles sbb tgh jln dgn amir time tuu.hahhaa
then berbuka laa mcm biasa..haha then kami pun kuar g entrance pavi yg nth asal crowded gela gela babun en ennene.hahahahahahthen tggu ryan amik then balikk.hahahahaha
then berbuka laa mcm biasa..haha then kami pun kuar g entrance pavi yg nth asal crowded gela gela babun en ennene.hahahahahahthen tggu ryan amik then balikk.hahahahaha
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Last saturday i planned to suprisae Ryan by buying a present for ajak la Amir suruh teman en en.haha.then i got so late keluar dlm pkul 5 cmtu then jumpa yana,amir and kawan2 kat foodcourt pavi.then tgk2 lepas beli makanan semua time berbukaaaaa.dgn lapar nye kami pun memakan makanan dgn cepat.wakakakaaaaa.then Dorg semua pegi naik entrance jumpa laaa mcm2 org kat sanaaaa.and i met Faiz C.gossshh rindu dia gila baaaabuun..hahhaha.Then si BEBOT plak dia nak dtg nak jumpa kak shaii.sumpah tension.ingt nak lepak lama lagi dgn amir en en.tpi nak buat cmne.haish.nasib dpt borakkking degn dia dr pukul 11.30...then break japp.pastu sambung balik dr 12.40 until ohhh.menyewelkan kepala je dgn dia:D hahaha
Andd 1 more thing.Ryan dpt a new PHONEEEEEE.kira samala kitorg.fair but not square:D.hahaha
and td lepak dgn Arslan and eqal and Sara,ming,izwan,barackobama(awi) and kwn die nama Faris.tpi mmg best la enn.dpt terkejutkan Ryan dgn cake from me,yana and yayan/Sufian:D
best best best:D
Andd 1 more thing.Ryan dpt a new PHONEEEEEE.kira samala kitorg.fair but not square:D.hahaha
and td lepak dgn Arslan and eqal and Sara,ming,izwan,barackobama(awi) and kwn die nama Faris.tpi mmg best la enn.dpt terkejutkan Ryan dgn cake from me,yana and yayan/Sufian:D
best best best:D
Saturday, August 22, 2009
A day before School Hols:)
huh.what a dayy.bangun2 je tiba2 bgnkan ryan lambat.then sampai sekolah pun lambat.durh.first time kena tulis nama plak enn.adoii.then met ilyana my assist. class monitor dia kata class ade kat form 5 kat blok dgn cepatnya meluru ke blok e la enn.tgk2 tina and fatimah semua tgh lepak2.then masuk dgn muka relax sbb cikgu pun xde kann.dorg pun gila2 la kat dlm kelas tuu.then cikgu Yusazlin.our Geo teacher masuk then she kata buat keje borak la enn ape lahh lagi.then i was listening songs thru my phone.tiba2 Hakim panggil.dia nak pnjam phone.dgn perasaan pelik ku bertanya la kenapa.dia kate nak msg member.nasib la ade cred skit time bagi lahh dia pinjam.tgh2 dia pinjam tu ternampak dorg ketawa2.nth la hanif tu plak pegang.then die bagi balik lah turn tina la plak nak dgr.bagi lahh kat dorg.then after rehat tuu,ade cikgu apetah her name kan.dia main teka teki.then turn girls plak bagi.bila i bagi izzham cepat2 dduk kt sebelah tny jwpn.heh.harapan xdpt lahh.memang kecoh gila lahh class tu.then snap2 pun adaaa.tgk2:D
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Trial:D lastt!its the end of trial.but durhh.PMR is coming fast like Rempit bawak motor laju2.hahahah.and today is maths paper and geography.i sumpah cant do paper 1 maths.paper 2 is much easier laaa.hahaha.and tadi just watched Blogger Boy and Ryan pengsan depan toilet tu la scene paling cool dan hilarious laaa:Dand not to be forgotten,Ramadhan is coming:)cant wait laaa lah aku nanti,hahaha.sewel back.but seriously lahh.aku geram dgn sorg bdk H ni.sumpah gila obsessive dgn aku.xcouple perangai macam suami aku.xnak lahh aku nak dgn kau.aku dah tny asal kau suka kat aku,kau jawab xtau.THATS NOT THE DAMN GOOD REASON LA WEHH.kau suka aku sbb aku ramai kawan girl yang hot enn.padahal aku mana ada la.aku biasa jehh.xyahh nak perangai cm kau.sweet talker mcm know i cakap pasal sapa.and sorry pasal gmbr kat sekolah.bluetooth laptop ni ngek sikit.tggu yeaaahh
Friday, August 7, 2009
Yes!finally!dapat jugak on.haha.and i was suppose to meet Raxief today!durhhh.melepassss.maybe next time.haha.and me and ryan menggila dgn xde keje pny buat la photoshoot dgn kesewelan yg ade.hahaha.mmg best la enn.puas hati la gak tgk:D
hahaha.and tomorrow kene hantar baba g kl sentral.and jaga bebot plak.ahah.takpe2 .nanti mesti good times punya la:)i really miss that guy la wehh.nak aje aku dpt kan ticket MTV world stage tu.memang g la ngn die nanti
mimpi indah la plak aku ni.hahaha
btw.ill be busy for quite a while blogging kurang iloveyouguys and thanks for watching:D
hahaha.and tomorrow kene hantar baba g kl sentral.and jaga bebot plak.ahah.takpe2 .nanti mesti good times punya la:)i really miss that guy la wehh.nak aje aku dpt kan ticket MTV world stage tu.memang g la ngn die nanti
mimpi indah la plak aku ni.hahaha
btw.ill be busy for quite a while blogging kurang iloveyouguys and thanks for watching:D
Friday, July 31, 2009
its like 5days im catching fever and its not good.last wed was terrible.dont ask me why but i didnt go to school though.thursday-pale face and sort of terrible flu.durhh.Friday-my whole classmates were'nt in the mood.seriously.even imran didnt act like always.haha.And i met this one guy who looks like Ben in Subway,Au2 currently having a damn cough right now.i need it to stop.haaaaaaaaa.its getting worst.:(
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Day by day:)
Everyday is getting hotter and people becoming sick lately.durhh.this is pollution yaww.hahaha.and im currently having fever,cold and cough.but i felt relieved because im not infected by h1n1 virus.lucky me.haha.and today i got a birthday invitation from my good friend Raxief.but its going to be held in pahang.and yeahh.i dont think i can make it.if its in kl then i would be okay for me.but i'll find a way.and today i got my exam results.hahaha.i got an A for english and b for maths,sc and trying to do my best before the BIG exam.wish me luck:D
Monday, July 27, 2009
What a Day:D
hahaha.bermula la seperti biasa ke sekolah.lepas tegur amira then beraturla mcm budak skema kat barisan.wakakakkaaa.then tiba2 ilyana,liyana,nad semua suruh pegi dpn.dprg kata cikgu panggil.huh.cuak gak la enn.then then bila pergi je tgk cikgu kata pegi amik dgn blurnye tertunggu2 akhirnya sampai la naik pentas.dpat no.2 weyhhh.pasal tulis dialog bahasa melayu.hahaha.sumpah lawak.then balik2 semua dpt chocolate dari sape pun tak tau.die tulis"M.Secret".hahaha.ape la ..lawak je.then balik lepak mamak kat sri rampai dgn ryan and mira.sumpah aku tak habis2 cerita pasal mamat iwan tu je.hahaha.gentle terlebih man:).tu sweet tuh:D.hahaha.then then waktu nak hantar amira balik terjumpa sorg budak muka sebijik mcm izzham.ape lagi melalak la dgn amira kat dlam keta.ryan mengeluh panjang.hahaha.and kak shai plak suruh siap kan this one thing keje die la.kene buat mcm peta minda.tpi bapak susah mak senang.hahahaha.tgh syok buat tu,ade terasa something kt tgn.ingt kan rmbut ke ape.tgk2.waaaaaaaaaa.lipasss.terjerit2 la.ryan pun join lari skali.hahaha.then aku plak kene halau lipas tu.siot pny ryan.cobei tul.hahahaha:D.and akhirnya siap gak keje kak shai tu.skali demam and batuk sampai xde suara da long guys:D.catch up later:)
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Black World:D
It was around 8++ when i tgh study Maths and my dad was watching tv.Ryan kat dalam blik memekak dgn lagunye.hahaha.Then then,tgh2 syok buat keje tu.........tiba2 dunia jd berlari lintang pukang la.langgar kerusi sikit nak jatuh.hahaha.then ryan pun pasang la lighter and i pun g la amik lilin2 wangi kt dlm blik.wahh.skali tu mcm sauna kat rumah tu.bleh buat tmpt facial kami pun tggu la sampai elektrik ade.mmg serius 1 kawasan w maju tu tkde elektrik.sek.5 pun dgn lampu yg serba sedikit pun belajar la jugak enn.pastu around 9.40 mcm tu tiba2 rumah terang benderang!wakakaka.memang happy birthday la kitorg dgn lilin2 tu.kek je xde.hahaha.and i'll be having my maths and geo paper tmrw.waaaaaa.mmg takut sehhh.finally last paper and last day.fuhh syukur2.doa2 dpt jwb esok.hahaha.tdi kat skola semua berjalan seperti biasa cuma izzham makin cool plak enn die.haahah.caya la beb.:D.and and tak sabar nak tggu SABTU NIIII.ade hari karnival kat skola.mmg aku jd monyet la kat long bye:D
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Mountain Dew:D
Today is really a good rainy day.hahha.while i and ryan were buying some groceries at a nearest kedai,i saw this bottle.hahaha.sumpah lama tak tgk air ni wooo.then dgn duit yg ade pun pegi la beli skali.wahh.mmg best dan menikmati kelazatan air im being phsycotic.hahaha.well,im having my exams tomorrow.hoping to get good marks yaaaaa!:DBtw,izzham hari ni mmg muka nak mintak kesian je kat cikgu.hahaha.joke:D.
Enjoy your day guys:D
Thursday, July 16, 2009
School again!haha
Friday, July 10, 2009
Sorry guys agak lama tak on.padahal baru jeh 3 hari tak on disebabkan oleh hal2 berikut:
1.Currently pakcik kat bawah rumah ni tak bukak internet.adoii
2.Ryan selalu guna utk bawak ke Segi.haha
3.Balik smlm terus tido sampai tak bangun2:P
and furthermore,takde creditttt weyhhh.Sorry Bash,Fath n kawan2.Baru nak msg je duit pokai.aiyoo.insyaAllah nanti dapat duit baru saya topup oke?well,harini mcm xde bnde nak buat sgt just swimming pgi tdi ngn bebot.haaa.sejukk:D.and Amira,thanks for belanjaing the kfc and nak jumpa balik mamat yang pakai vintage car dgn the hot hot aviator shades kat jalan Duke itu semalam.wakakaka:D.sumpah i dont know since when gila aku ni datang balik.hahaha.Ohh and Happy birthday to my stepmum,auntie Kas yang berlangsung pada 9th July.tak lama lagi bday mamaku pula.then baba.hahaha.well,now xde la new story accept my hair da ptong!haha.sumpah ryan and my mum kata mcm Katy perry wth la ape lahahhahaha.and lagi ada ALA PMR !!!!waaaa
study studyyyyy.maths maths:P,sape2 yg baik tu nak mintk tlong ajar saya maths!hahaha.saya kurang pandai.:P.Well,sape2 yg mcm ingt saya ini sombong or ape2 la korg nak ckp pasal aku.go ahead la korg nak ckp least im not too sombong to say hi.kalau takat nak tgk muka then judge mcm ex kawanbaik aku tu.nak jadi gak ke mcm mana aku tinggalkan die dlu?sorry.aku boleh aje weyy.dahh.baling kasut pua chu kang baru tahu.hahaha.okay okay.thats all.nak g JJ sbb nak buat ape tah.haha.bye.takecare so long tata titi tutu tatarstjknjnikengiknfds.gila dah.BYEEEEEE
1.Currently pakcik kat bawah rumah ni tak bukak internet.adoii
2.Ryan selalu guna utk bawak ke Segi.haha
3.Balik smlm terus tido sampai tak bangun2:P
and furthermore,takde creditttt weyhhh.Sorry Bash,Fath n kawan2.Baru nak msg je duit pokai.aiyoo.insyaAllah nanti dapat duit baru saya topup oke?well,harini mcm xde bnde nak buat sgt just swimming pgi tdi ngn bebot.haaa.sejukk:D.and Amira,thanks for belanjaing the kfc and nak jumpa balik mamat yang pakai vintage car dgn the hot hot aviator shades kat jalan Duke itu semalam.wakakaka:D.sumpah i dont know since when gila aku ni datang balik.hahaha.Ohh and Happy birthday to my stepmum,auntie Kas yang berlangsung pada 9th July.tak lama lagi bday mamaku pula.then baba.hahaha.well,now xde la new story accept my hair da ptong!haha.sumpah ryan and my mum kata mcm Katy perry wth la ape lahahhahaha.and lagi ada ALA PMR !!!!waaaa
study studyyyyy.maths maths:P,sape2 yg baik tu nak mintk tlong ajar saya maths!hahaha.saya kurang pandai.:P.Well,sape2 yg mcm ingt saya ini sombong or ape2 la korg nak ckp pasal aku.go ahead la korg nak ckp least im not too sombong to say hi.kalau takat nak tgk muka then judge mcm ex kawanbaik aku tu.nak jadi gak ke mcm mana aku tinggalkan die dlu?sorry.aku boleh aje weyy.dahh.baling kasut pua chu kang baru tahu.hahaha.okay okay.thats all.nak g JJ sbb nak buat ape tah.haha.bye.takecare so long tata titi tutu tatarstjknjnikengiknfds.gila dah.BYEEEEEE
Friday, July 3, 2009
The Coolest Friend:)

Hello people.I would like to introduce you to my incredible friend!He is sweet,and the most nicest person ever.Darling,i thought i never be friend with you,but now.i am.hahaha:D.And yeah,eventhough we are far apart,i can never have a good friend like you:).And goshh.i dah lama gila tak jumpa youuuuu.imissyoulikedurhh.hahahhaa.last time i jumpa you,it was like...gosh.lama gila.hahaha:).hope to be seeing you again:) and i love your poets my dear;)
Raxief Maula:)
The coolest amazing superb Friend:D
Friday, June 26, 2009
Michael Jackson-1958-2009

When i was on my way to school,i heard this news from Fly.Fm.Michael Jackson has passed away.He is like the most Famous King Of Pop and it was a REAL shocking news.God,i was like so madly in love with all of his songs.then,suddenly this news came along.How i'd really think this was a lie,but what to do,Faith rite?So,just doakan to him. we'll gonna miss you Michael Jackson:').
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Real me laa:D

Well,because of today is thursday and Tina and Fatimah ajak amik gmbr sbb all the teachers mcm busy gila preparing the report card and all for this saturday.And again,it was sivik time and ape lagi,jadi photographer la around 30 photos kene snap kat dalam class tu.haha.Then ade la muke bdk2 class yang PANDAI2 buat muke tak puas hati sbb dorg ingt dorg hot sgt dalam class tu and ingt aku ni bdk nerd ntah mana dorg jumpa.hahaha.sorry la,im not the kind of person yang nak mengejar popularity mcm korg.i dont care bout wht people said.lepas habis skola tu mmg aku takkan mengaku aku skola mana.buat org sakit telinga je mendengar:) and btw,to Shaz and the gang,aku xpernah nak ade gmbr ngn korg.insyaAllah i'll try to snap it tomorrow:)haha.sayang korg gila gila macam orang gila kat tanjung rambutan.hahahahaha.Ni la rakan sekelasku sejak form 2 and dorg la jadi mangsa kalau im in a bad mood.hahah.sorry guys.iloveyoubangatin:)hahah
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Budak Sekolah:)
Haha,i never tell you guys how i am at school:)ni the first time i,saya budak baik di are the person yg mmg kaki sewel kat sekolah.pic ni ditaken ketika time cikgu Azhari,teringt plak waktu die tetido dalam class.snoring kat science lab and kekecohan melanda gila sbb nak balik sekolah bkn salah satu contoh yang baik(bawak hp g skola).lol.Maisarah.miss you la babe!:)
Friday, May 29, 2009
Siti Maisarah
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
33 Facts about guys:P
- Guys don’t actually look after good-looking girls. they prefer neat and presentable girls.
- Guys hate flirts.
- When a guy says he doesn’t understand you, it simply means you’re not thinking the way he is.
- Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about .
- When a guy really likes you, he’ll disregard all your bad characteristics.
- Guys go crazy over a girl’s smile.
- Guys will do anything just to get the girl’s attention.
- When you touch a guy’s heart, there’s no turning back.
- When a girl says “no”, a guy hears it as “try again tomorrow”. …. so true.
- You have to tell a guy what you really want before he gets the message clearly.
- Guys love their moms.
- A guy would sacrifice his money for lunch just to get you a couple of roses.
- A guy often thinks about the girl who likes him. But this doesn’t mean that the guy likes her.
- You can never understand him unless you listen to him.
- If a guy tells you he loves you once in a lifetime. He does.
- Beware. Guys can make gossips scatter through half of the face of the earth faster than girls can.
- Like Eve, girls are guys’ weaknesses.
- Guys are very open about themselves.
- It’s good to test a guy first before you believe him. But don’t let him wait that long.
- Guys hate it when their clothes get dirty. Even a small dot.
- Guys really admire girls that they like even if they’re not that much pretty.
- If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don’t need to give advice … very true.
- A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
- Guys cannot keep secrets that girls tell them.
- Guys think too much.
- Guys fantasies are unlimited.
- Girls’ height doesn’t really matter to a guy but her weight does! … very true.
- Guys tend to get serious with their relationship and become too possessive. So watch out girls!!!
- Guys are more talkative than girls are especially when the topic is about girls.
- You can truly say that a guy has good intentions if you see him praying sometimes.
- If a guy says you’re beautiful, that guy likes you.
- Guys hate girls who overreact.
- Guys love you more than you love them IF they are serious in your relationships.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Dakota-A rocket to the moon:)
She knows exactly what to do, whenever I’m alone with her.
I can barely make a move by the time the she opens up her eyes.
She sings to me at night.
She singing: Ba da ba ba ba da ba ba ba da ba ba
I know that she barely knows me, and I’m fake in love with her.
It’s like I’m singing karaoke, and I forgot the second verse.
But I can make up my own words.
Oh Dakota, I know our love is new.
I barely know you. I’ve fallen over you.
It’s the way you do the things you do that make me fall in love with you.
Oh Dakota, are you in love with me too.
She’s got a little bit of money and a little bit of this and its all she needs to live.
I’ve got a little bit of love and a little bit of that and it’s all I have to give.
This time, I’ll try not to show that I am not letting go.
Oh Dakota, I know our love is new.
I barely know you. I’ve fallen over you.
Oh Dakota, are you in love with me too.
I’ll show you I’ll show you and you’ll know that I’m not letting go.
I’ll show you I’ll show you and you’ll know I’m not letting go.
Ba da ba ba ba da ba ba ba da ba ba [x2]
Oh Dakota, I know our love is new.
I barely know you. I’ve fallen over you.
It’s the way you do the things you do that make me fall in love with you.
Oh Dakota, are you in love with me too.
Oh Dakota, I know our love is new.
I barely know you. I’ve fallen over you.
It’s the way you do the things you do that make me fall in love with you.
Oh Dakota, are you in love with me too.
I’m in love with you, are you in love with me too?
I can barely make a move by the time the she opens up her eyes.
She sings to me at night.
She singing: Ba da ba ba ba da ba ba ba da ba ba
I know that she barely knows me, and I’m fake in love with her.
It’s like I’m singing karaoke, and I forgot the second verse.
But I can make up my own words.
Oh Dakota, I know our love is new.
I barely know you. I’ve fallen over you.
It’s the way you do the things you do that make me fall in love with you.
Oh Dakota, are you in love with me too.
She’s got a little bit of money and a little bit of this and its all she needs to live.
I’ve got a little bit of love and a little bit of that and it’s all I have to give.
This time, I’ll try not to show that I am not letting go.
Oh Dakota, I know our love is new.
I barely know you. I’ve fallen over you.
Oh Dakota, are you in love with me too.
I’ll show you I’ll show you and you’ll know that I’m not letting go.
I’ll show you I’ll show you and you’ll know I’m not letting go.
Ba da ba ba ba da ba ba ba da ba ba [x2]
Oh Dakota, I know our love is new.
I barely know you. I’ve fallen over you.
It’s the way you do the things you do that make me fall in love with you.
Oh Dakota, are you in love with me too.
Oh Dakota, I know our love is new.
I barely know you. I’ve fallen over you.
It’s the way you do the things you do that make me fall in love with you.
Oh Dakota, are you in love with me too.
I’m in love with you, are you in love with me too?
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Blogger Boy
This is a promo video and my brother is also in this drama.hahaha
and yana and i is also in this movie:)
wait for our drooling scene.
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