Well,because of today is thursday and Tina and Fatimah ajak amik gmbr sbb all the teachers mcm busy gila preparing the report card and all for this saturday.And again,it was sivik time and ape lagi,jadi photographer la today.lol.So around 30 photos kene snap kat dalam class tu.haha.Then ade la muke bdk2 class yang PANDAI2 buat muke tak puas hati sbb dorg ingt dorg hot sgt dalam class tu and ingt aku ni bdk nerd ntah mana dorg jumpa.hahaha.sorry la,im not the kind of person yang nak mengejar popularity mcm korg.i dont care bout wht people said.lepas habis skola tu mmg aku takkan mengaku aku skola mana.buat org sakit telinga je mendengar:) and btw,to Shaz and the gang,aku xpernah nak ade gmbr ngn korg.insyaAllah i'll try to snap it tomorrow:)haha.sayang korg gila gila macam orang gila kat tanjung rambutan.hahahahaha.Ni la rakan sekelasku sejak form 2 and dorg la jadi mangsa kalau im in a bad mood.hahah.sorry guys.iloveyoubangatin:)hahah
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