When i was on my way to school,i heard this news from Fly.Fm.Michael Jackson has passed away.He is like the most Famous King Of Pop and it was a REAL shocking news.God,i was like so madly in love with all of his songs.then,suddenly this news came along.How i'd really think this was a lie,but what to do,Faith rite?So,just doakan to him. we'll gonna miss you Michael Jackson:').

Haha,i never tell you guys how i am at school:)ni the first time i letak.lol,saya budak baik di sekolah:P.here are the person yg mmg kaki sewel kat sekolah.pic ni ditaken ketika time cikgu Azhari,teringt plak waktu die tetido dalam class.snoring weyhh.lol.ni kat science lab and kekecohan melanda gila sbb nak balik sekolah kan.hahaha.ni bkn salah satu contoh yang baik(bawak hp g skola).lol.Maisarah.miss you la babe!:)