Monday, December 20, 2010
Hey yeahh:D
Hello guys!It's almost the end of the year and yeah!It's 5days till Christmas!So Merry Christmas to all you guys!Yeah,Ive been doing alot of things since school hols starts.Well mostly babysitting my sis-.- Well,here i am in my room doing nothing because Ryan didnt have his car today cause he sent them to the workshop to repair something about sensor.oh whatthehell-.- so As far as i can remember,the last time I went out to Pavilion was to meet my friend Mira Rara.well,that was like in and yeah,I'll be going to Langkawi for 3days starting on Christmas.Cant wait!And Im turning 17 next year!then goodbye schoool life!lol well,I bought school things last saturday and believe me,its like so crowded there!urgh,I think im getting claustraphobic about it-.- Well,I gotta go now.Wanting to watch Family Guy badly!hahaha so Long and HOHOHO!:D
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
KL International Motor Show 2010!
Well hello guys!Yesterday we went to the KLIMS(or as stated above:P) and hell it was crowded with people.And yeah,there's lots of BEAUTIFUL,GORGEOUS,LUXORIOUS and EXPENSIVE cars shown in the hall.So there were 4 exhibit halls and yeah,The first was mostly from Proton and Im telling you,the cars were awesome as nuts!There's the new JEBAT that looks very very the second was the BUMBLEBEE car,that is the Chevrolet Camaro.They also put our star,the BUMBLEBEE itself.(but its certainly not moving and it's as huge as we seen in the movies)Well,then we headed for exhibit 3 where there was KIA cars and Peugots.and yeah,lots of foxy models everywhere which entertains most of the male visitors there(LOL.I wasnt that,you know.excited in the 1st,2nd and the 3rd hall.Cause the fun starts at the end of the show.That is Hall 4.I know they love to save the best for last and yeah.As soon we've reached the 4th hall.I ran straight for the Mitsubishi's cars.And guess what?I got into the Lancer Evo X.Oh my.You know,it was like my wishes came true.And yeah.Ryan said it was freakin awkward cause I was like the only girl that went to the Evo car.I do love car sports you know;) Yes,but what to do?I just like them.but what I want the most is Evo 7 or evo 8:)that's my dream car.So yeah.After that we met Julie Woon or as we call her Miss Nina who stars in Blogger Boy.She was stunning!And yeah after that.we went to Kg Baru for dinner:) Awh it was definite amazing.
P/S:Eventhou it was alot of fun watching all those beautiful machines,but I kinda say that I just dislike some of the people who likes to push around when it gets too crowded,the people who likes to interrupt people taking photos.(Its a DEFINITE RUDE,aite?)and the people who is so 'kabut'.ergh,I hope next year will be a better one.Well,I can share some of the photos when Im in my Evo;P and my dream car:D well.catch you guys later.Toodles:)



Evo 7 mere dreamo carro;)(my dream car)

EVO 8;)))
P/S:Eventhou it was alot of fun watching all those beautiful machines,but I kinda say that I just dislike some of the people who likes to push around when it gets too crowded,the people who likes to interrupt people taking photos.(Its a DEFINITE RUDE,aite?)and the people who is so 'kabut'.ergh,I hope next year will be a better one.Well,I can share some of the photos when Im in my Evo;P and my dream car:D well.catch you guys later.Toodles:)



Evo 7 mere dreamo carro;)(my dream car)
EVO 8;)))
Friday, November 19, 2010
The Girl's thing:)
Okay,well this is what all girls love the most.MAKEUPS!and yeah,It all started one day when I was not that sleepy and I had the urge to find a makeup tutorial for smoky eyes.for some reason i admit that i really love smoky eyes makeup.So I went on to Youtube and search for it.I watched alot of other makeup tutorial but I met someone's channel even better.It's Michelle Phan.and yeah,i admit she is the best makeup guru i've ever watched.she likes to give tips on how to apply good makeup and lots of other tutorials about having a healthy skin and it's definitely eco-friendly:) so yeah,as I've been watching her vids since last year,I met her sister in law's channel.That is Promise Tamang Phan.She also a good makeup guru too.Well,they both have the same passion for makeups.So yeah,i've been watching them both and yeah,i did followed some of their tutorials and it works!seriously,these two girls are amazing and they help girls like us look beautiful.So thanks to Michelle and Promise Phan.I managed to learn lots about makeups and yeah,that's how i get good makeups.Thanks and love you both lots:)xx
P/S:Well,im sure you guys not quite sure who they are so,Im gonna put some of their photos here:) enjoy peeps!

Michelle and Promise Phan:D

So that's them alright!so have a look at their tutorials!I'm sure you'll like it<3
lots of love,sarah
P/S:Well,im sure you guys not quite sure who they are so,Im gonna put some of their photos here:) enjoy peeps!

Michelle and Promise Phan:D

So that's them alright!so have a look at their tutorials!I'm sure you'll like it<3
lots of love,sarah
Monday, November 15, 2010
That someone:)
Well,have you had that special someone you always just want to talk to?I mean,you kinda like 'em but you didnt have the guts to stand and talk to him/her?well,I do.Eventhough it may look kinda stupid but yeah.I have these kind of weird thing.I known him 4years ago and we never been in the same class.just the opposite or next to.So yeah,he's okay.quite smart and all but yeah.I havent even talk to him.I guess i did talked to him but that was just like asking him to do something or somewhat.and apart from that,he's the first guy i'm scared to say hi.I just dont know why i cant.and yeah,the fact that i like him is unbearable.Eventhough i think that i like someone else,it's always been him who i really cant forget.I mean,everytime when i got up from bed,getting ready for school,the next thing i will remember is HIM.(but study comes first lah:p) He just made my day somehow.His smile never fades.that's why i like him.It all started from his smile.I just love to see him smile(stop,okay im not a psycho).So yeah,now its the end of school year and i still cant talk to him even once.i guess he dosent really into social networking and looks like i have to do it the old way(which i dont know what).i need somebody to help me thou:( i just wanted to be friends with him before its too darn late.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Just standing here alone
It's 5 am in the morning and i just woke up.I fell asleep and ryan didnt woke me up.but he shouted at me to woke him up at 9-.- so yeah,im having a very very bad fever right now.but it started on Saturday so no way I can be infected by ryan cause his fever starts on thursday.So yeah,here i am.Like a drug addict,which I am not.eating fever pills at least 4hrs a day,2 times of antibiotic,and cough syrup which I really need to finish them fast.And im not going to school today cause im scared it would become more terrible like yesterday.I almost fainted at school thou-_-" sorry for the broken grammar and all,im still not really that awake and maybe because of this stupid pills.sigh,what to do right?so ill just have to take those meds and continue to take them until im really really yeah guys,gotta go.I need to go back to sleep.good bye:)
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Jumpin Jeepers!
Well,hello peeps!Sorry i havent been bloggin these quite few days.So yeah.Im done with my final exams!yeayy!but i already get 2 papers and the result was -.-' okay so lets get on with it.So today,i'll be going to Ilham PD for 3 days.I'm gonna miss my friends here:( And yeah,another 2 more weeks then school ends!yeahhh but not for long-.- And sadly,ryan is sick and I have to take care all of his things now.yeah,for some reason.If somebody or someone asked me,what's the best thing that's ever happen to your life? then I will say,Im gladly I was born with the best brother on my side.who is also my good friend.Eventhou we do fight alot,even my dad say that we fight like there's no ending,but yeah.I enjoyed it.At first,none of my friends thought we're actually sibs cause he looked more like my mom and i looked more like my dad.Even one of my friend thought that we're like in a relationship.oh come on,me and my brother?that's just yeah,to have a brother who's gonna be there for you no matter what,im thankful for that.I havent been a good sister thou,but we aint perfect aite?So I'll just hope that he'll always be with me no matter what.He's gonna be my wedding photographer if i get married lol:p so off we go then,gotta pack my things so that i dont rush things up.:)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Hell yeah WE DID IT!
Hello guys!Ive been having my exams so yeah,im too busy.hahaha.well,This week,Fahmi,Ryan,Jahn,along with Zerra and Ena were chosen to participate in a competition where they have to build a furniture using recycled items.So yeah,theyre making a floating chair.I helped a little bit too.And the whole week was a disaster.We redo-it for like so many times because it wont last,yesterday.the day we've all been waiting for,it floats!!!!!and we were thankful cause we finished it although some stupid college people stupidly play with it until it damaged-.- we managed to get it okay by have a photo of our invention!hahahahahaha :D

There's Fahmi ! Meeza and ME! ahahhahaa

There's Fahmi ! Meeza and ME! ahahhahaa
Saturday, October 16, 2010
life of a teenage ordinary:)
Hey all you people!Well,yesterday was a good day.i met my old friend Engku Reza on facebook.ohh i miss him lots!then pagi tu cam jaga bebot cause mama had to go to her workplace to transfer her things to her new place.something like that.okay and I went to Segi Universiti College last night with ryan around 7 like that.they have to do this thing for environment using bottles and yeahh,i did helped a little.Fahmi,Ryan,Jahn,Suzy,Zerra and I made the canteen like a bengkel.hahahaha.So we did it like for 3hours straight and it finally finished!for us lah.Then they tested the thing but it doesnt was supposed to be floating but somehow.dia tenggelam-.- so we have to tunggu Ryan and Fahmi pickup some more bottles from Miss Lin(their Photography lect.) so Suzy had gone home,so only me,Zerra and Jahn left.then Eddy came with Adik and his friend and gone lepak with Jahn at the swimming Zerra and I got nothing to do.we bought drinks at the vending machine(stupid vending.semua air sedap habis-.-)then we waited for like an hour like that,then they came.Ryan came along with Fahmi and they pickup Madihah from Cova.along with Miss Lin and Sir Fuad.then after we packed all our things.we went to Murni.gosh I was so freakin hungry cause we had butter bread for dinner.then we went back home.and the weirdest part is.I woke up this morning and realised I was sleeping in an opposite position.and i remembered i was waiting for the bloody internet yang lambat.hahahaha:D okay guys.gotta go!maybe im going to malacca after long!;D
Friday, October 15, 2010
Have you ever felt like erasing some part of your memories from the past?well I do.Its about my ex.Oh yeah,he's the only one who is busybody with every people that I know in my life.He's the one who is stupid for letting me go.Well,it was for my own good anyway.I did changed alot after being with him.I mean,kata dah break,cukup la doh.Nak suruh kawan aku call2 aku suruh aku call kau.For what?menyusahkan aku lagi?aku sanggup tunggu kau kat kl sentral,teman kau cari kerja kat PAVILION yang kau WORSHIP sangat tu,ape aku dapat?kaki sakit,lepas tu baru aku dapat tau yang kau dah kata we already brokeup that time.
Aku tak kisah doh,but when this thing started sampai orang kat fs tanya aku ape cerita?for what do people want to know Im your bloody ex?aku jumpa kau SEKALI je pun.bukan beribu kali.One more THING!GET OVER IT OKAY?!you're nothing to me.kau sakitkan hati aku lepas tu kau nak cari aku balik.FOR WHAT?TELL ME.nak couple balik?haih sorry lah.I made a promise to myself.ALL MY EXES ARE BULLSHITS.takde yang pandai jaga hati aku langsung.They call me know why?I dont cry.cause I know my tears is too precious for you.tolong la doh.Get out of my other exes pun live on with their lives but not btw,dulu,when you said you dreamt to become a singer?you know it just makes me sick everytime you talk about it.sebab kau cakap non-stop and yeah,keep on dreamin.jaga mak kau tu.bukan tinggalkan dia.
P/s:annoying me just gonna make me care less
Aku tak kisah doh,but when this thing started sampai orang kat fs tanya aku ape cerita?for what do people want to know Im your bloody ex?aku jumpa kau SEKALI je pun.bukan beribu kali.One more THING!GET OVER IT OKAY?!you're nothing to me.kau sakitkan hati aku lepas tu kau nak cari aku balik.FOR WHAT?TELL ME.nak couple balik?haih sorry lah.I made a promise to myself.ALL MY EXES ARE BULLSHITS.takde yang pandai jaga hati aku langsung.They call me know why?I dont cry.cause I know my tears is too precious for you.tolong la doh.Get out of my other exes pun live on with their lives but not btw,dulu,when you said you dreamt to become a singer?you know it just makes me sick everytime you talk about it.sebab kau cakap non-stop and yeah,keep on dreamin.jaga mak kau tu.bukan tinggalkan dia.
P/s:annoying me just gonna make me care less
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Thriving to success
So yeah,yesterday was a very good day for me.Went for a visit to LimKokWing campus considering Fahmi wanted to see his ol' friend:) It wasn't much as I expected or seen in some shows.It was totally different than Segi.Well,as we were hanging out at their cafe.I was shocked to see my old friend Faiz and Farhi!They both were bestfriend from the first time I met them,and now?same UNIVERSITY too?!wow,surely they're really good friends though.yeah,I miss them and they miss me alot:D ahh havent seen them for ages!So after that,we went to eat some delicious Nasi Ayam at the terminal.It was great and cheap too!hahaha,then we went to Hartamas cause Fahmi wanted to cuci gambar and we lepak at bestari for a while.then we went to Nasi Lemak Hartamas and Kuchai brought god,we played for like 2hours straight and Im the third richest among them.WHOOHOOO:D oh yeah,i also met my dream guy last night;D hahaha
Well,I'll be having my finals tomorrow.Wish me luck thou!oh my,no more spending alot of time on facebook neither bloggin too huh?well,what to do?2 weeks of exam is just too much-.- yeah and I havent eaten yet.maybe i'll just cook some scrambled eggs with bread.haih.and the one thing that I hate the most is I got ZITS!!ergh,it hurts:( but yeah,thank god i have my dermedex(cehh promote)hahahah:D So somebody or I can call anonymous asked me on fs about my ex?well why bother?I mean,he's my ex so why do you even want to ask?I just dont understand people nowadays.
Oh yeah,And this month.well,we can call it 'Tragedi Oktober" because lots of things been going around.And yes some of it was just irritating and annoyed me to death-.- but what to do?Life must go on.once you go up,must come down back to the way it started.Okay guyss gotta jet!Im freakin hungry and i missed spongebob-.- so long and have a NAISSSSS DAY:D
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Oh Hell Yeah Stupid Things
I still dont know why they wanted to brag about this stuff anymore.I mean,having your own openhouse without parental guidance can be quite tiring and yeah,you wont gonna know how it feels when you have to take care of the foods,the drinks,the garbage and the people that comes.It wasnt should try it,and tell me how it really goes.
Say,you have a bestfriend too right?have I ever been like not letting you guys have fun with your bestfriends?I wouldnt even have the slightest idea to even stop you from being with your bestfriends.Why do we even need to fight about bestfriends?did i ever like ditching you guys out?Did I ever made my own plan and went out w/out telling you guys?well,as far as the friends i have,they're okay with it.take it easy man.
And yeah,As far as i know,Im not the type of people who really dont actually exaggerate about things that can be solved in a nick of time.ask me what's wrong.dont just make some bad assumptions.ergh,I hate being like this.orang dah okay tiba2 je ada yang tak okay.kalau benda macam ni jadi baik takpayah la doh.
Say,you have a bestfriend too right?have I ever been like not letting you guys have fun with your bestfriends?I wouldnt even have the slightest idea to even stop you from being with your bestfriends.Why do we even need to fight about bestfriends?did i ever like ditching you guys out?Did I ever made my own plan and went out w/out telling you guys?well,as far as the friends i have,they're okay with it.take it easy man.
And yeah,As far as i know,Im not the type of people who really dont actually exaggerate about things that can be solved in a nick of time.ask me what's wrong.dont just make some bad assumptions.ergh,I hate being like this.orang dah okay tiba2 je ada yang tak okay.kalau benda macam ni jadi baik takpayah la doh.
Friday, October 8, 2010
crap em
Hey ho guys!sorry i havent been blogging for quite a while.Well,I've been through some things that effin fucked up.I dont know,it's just that some days arent that good for me.I've been missing this one guy much.Wont gonna tell his name though but yeah,I havent met him for quite a while.And yesterday,Arslan treat us some drinks at Curve and I met his friend named Shapur or something like that.Quite sweet actually:) and we hangout with Nazran and the people as Al-Safa yesterday.I even met Delly.He's as adorable as always.hahaha my gosh i miss him lots.oh yeah.forgot to tell you guys.I met me ex when we're hanging out.urgh,he pierced!thank god he didnt ask me to join him-.- that would be like,I dont know,uncomfortable maybe?And Ive been like watching Family Guy nowadays.I know it's like x-rated and all but yeah,kinda fun watchin it.And I have been doing some exercise and been dieting.Less eating to be exact.but yeah.I'll be having my final exam on the 15th and wish me luck guys.Okay guys,gotta go then,shuap shuap doodles!okay now im being stipud:pp
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The actual hobby
yeah,this is my hobby,i like to collect perfume bottles.From Body Shop to Calvin Klein.ive been collecting them starting last started when mama told me she dosen't want to throw her perfume bottles away.Instead,she gave it to me and say you can keep them and make a collection.Looks like I did.sometimes i like to smell the scents cause some of them have a lil bit of leftovers and here's some photos i took today.crazy huh?approximately 30 bottles so far.and i love them as much as i love smelling them:)lol well here it goes:D

Friday, October 1, 2010
Hi guys!sorry havent been blogging for a while.I didnt attend to school today.Alasan bodoh lah kena bagi.Okay okay,i went to the gym today and done some cardio workout.yeah,i managed to get 300calories burned.macam sama berat dengan 1pinggan nasi i guess.okay,so right now i'm hungry cause havent eaten yet.tak tau nak makan its okay lah.I havent been myself alot lately.kejap mood jadi tak elok.I dont actually know why.And sekarang ni I have to be patient with all the things that comes rolling down under my feet.Sabar je la eh Sarah.Allah tengah bagi petunjuk tu.kadang2,things arent going the way we expected.mostly it happens around family and friends.So I have to be strong facing this life and just ignore those nasty people who can't really get hold of themselves.Biarlah Sarah,we shouldnt interfere in someone else's lives.kita bukan pikul dosa dorang pun.So i have to blogout cause im having second thoughts;P bye:)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Busy Busy Busy
Sorry guys I havent been updating my blog lately.i've been busy with school,homeworks and all.and yeah,Thank God i got some time to wrote this.Or else i wont be having so much time sitting and playing around.okay,school was a definite okay,but i havent been with my classmate friends lately.ive to admit almost all the openhouses yang kena ajak.sumpah i tak pergi langsung.even my old friend pun takdapat attend.shiteroos those timings!kalau boleh pergi pun whether i got no money or no transport.thats usual.So I maybe will be having some makan2 at my house next week maybe saturday or sunday.cant decide.And i'll be pretty busy that time.Im actually not in a very good mood today.I'm stressed out with these things thats been happening to me.So IM IN NEED OF A VERY VERY NICE BREAK.Im too tired.i need to settle things down.Okay guys,gotta jet.will be blogging the next time when my mood is okay.cheeeeeriooosss!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Happy Birthday BEE!
Well,its bee's birthday today.and yeah,we did celebrate her's and ryan's birthday together.hahaha,at first fahmi told me to bring a spare shirt for ryan cause they wanted to prank both bee and ryan with flour and egg.but at first fahmi told me ryan's only gonna get hit by flour je.then it came out he got both.hahahaa.bee got worse.considering she didnt bring any spare clothes.Faez was the one who is damn happy about throwing flours and eggs at them.hahhaa keeper got egged out was fun yesterday!i love them so much!happy birthday you lots.ohh yeah,and when we hang at Geo's.I met yana.and she was with her boy:)gosh i havent seen her since last year:( but yeah,had a chance to hang with her for just very short of time:( but still,im gonna show you guys what happened yesterday:)
p/s:i wasnt in all this photos because i'm the one who took them;)

p/s:i wasnt in all this photos because i'm the one who took them;)

Sunday, September 5, 2010
Happy Sweet 19 Ryan!
Well,again ryan,sorry for the 'CAKE' that we all made for all started after we went to baba's house around 11.30+ and went back home.So i got a chance to hide Ryan's present somewhere in my room.So yeah,after that,I walk straight into the toilet to wash my face and waited up till 12 am.Then,I sent a text message to ryan that really make him wondered why I sent those message.It sounded like this:
So yeah,kinda scary at first huh?So he was like,what the hell and all.but he started searching for it.yeah he almost gave up at first cause there's too many bunch of clothes in my room.(yeah,it was kinda messy:P)Then,i gave him lots and lots of clues.Lastly he found it and yeah,he never stop smiling.hahahaha:D Then,he was like asking me and all when did i bought it and all.hahahaha:D thanks to my mum too for those present;)
Then,Ryan decided to lepak with Fahmi and all.yeah,at Bestari Hartamas.Rudy,Fahmi,Kamal and Keeper was there.Oh and Faez is there too!hahaha.then They all decided to buy eggs and flour.yeah,i have to be the victim of the night.I also have to buy eggs for ryan.hhahahaa.Then,after we had our drinks,Rudy planned to go to a petronas yeah,I have to follow Rudy instead of ryan cause he takut Ryan yeah,There it goes.HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN!all the flour and the eggs thrown to Ryan.but not me lah.I was taking his photo getting "CAKED" out!haahahhaa:D so here is some of his shots getting caked out:)
So yeah,kinda scary at first huh?So he was like,what the hell and all.but he started searching for it.yeah he almost gave up at first cause there's too many bunch of clothes in my room.(yeah,it was kinda messy:P)Then,i gave him lots and lots of clues.Lastly he found it and yeah,he never stop smiling.hahahaha:D Then,he was like asking me and all when did i bought it and all.hahahaha:D thanks to my mum too for those present;)
Then,Ryan decided to lepak with Fahmi and all.yeah,at Bestari Hartamas.Rudy,Fahmi,Kamal and Keeper was there.Oh and Faez is there too!hahaha.then They all decided to buy eggs and flour.yeah,i have to be the victim of the night.I also have to buy eggs for ryan.hhahahaa.Then,after we had our drinks,Rudy planned to go to a petronas yeah,I have to follow Rudy instead of ryan cause he takut Ryan yeah,There it goes.HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN!all the flour and the eggs thrown to Ryan.but not me lah.I was taking his photo getting "CAKED" out!haahahhaa:D so here is some of his shots getting caked out:)
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Blogger boy:)
yeah,i just watched Blogger boy season 1 from reminds me of so last year:) and yeah.i did shared a vid link for you guys to watch.i know he's not a good singer but he's sweet:)
P/S:the green one is drooling over him:P guess who! hhahahaaha
P/S:the green one is drooling over him:P guess who! hhahahaaha
Monday, August 30, 2010
Happy Birthday Rudy!
After we went to baba's place,Ryan and I were off to Bukit Damansara for Rudy's birthday.When we got there,Rudy's already covered with eggs+flour and his own birthday cake.yuck!hahaha:P and then we all took some photos that night and suprisingly,ryan got mad after Rudy hugged him.hahaha,who asked him to wear his new shirt?well,back again,after that we all went to Safiz for a drink.urgh i'm still having my bad sore throat so i just ordered some warm lemonade.but it still wont work-.- so then what to do right?then,Muizz recorded some of Rudy's act when he got himself covered with cakes and all.hahah yeah it was funny and the plate got stuck on his face.that was hilarious!well,rudy paid for our drinks as he went back with his gf.awh so sweet.hahaha.then,we're off to Bob's burger.but only Kuchai,keeper,adib,arslan,ryan and i were there.the rest went back home aftr that for sahur.we had our sahur there and Fahmi and Acong come in late cause they're just got back from finding a bank.that's kinda weird looking for a bank at 4 am in the morning-.- I had my fav burger for sahur again:P well,it was a very fine day last night and everything went exactly well:) i love you guys.till then,so long:)
P/S:actually,Muizz posted Rudy's vid on facebook.but i dont know how to copy the freakin link from here.oh well:)
P/S:actually,Muizz posted Rudy's vid on facebook.but i dont know how to copy the freakin link from here.oh well:)
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
My Favourite Song;)
I could feel her breath as she's sleeping next to me
Sharing pillows and cold feet
She can feel my heart; fell asleep to its beat
Under blankets and warm sheets
If only I could be in that bed again
If only it were me instead of him
Does he watch your favorite movies?
Does he hold you when you cry?
Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts?
When you've seen it a million times
Does he sing to all your music?
While you dance to purple rain
Does he do all these things?
Like I used to?
14 months and 7 days ago,
Oh I know you know how we felt about that night
Just your skin against the window
Oh we took it slow and we both know
It shoulda been me inside that car
It should have been me instead of him in the dark
Does he watch your favorite movies?
Does he hold you when you cry?
Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts?
When you've seen it a million times
Does he sing to all your music?
While you dance to purple rain
Does he do all these things?
Like I used to?
I know that love happens all the time, love
(I'm a sucker for that feeling)
You're on my mind, love
(I always end up feeling cheated)
And that happens all the time, love
(Oh darling, I know I'm not needed)
Will he love you like I loved you?
Will he tell you everyday?
Will he make you feel like your invincible
With every word he'll say
Can you promise me that this was right?
Don't throw it all away
Can you do all these things?
Will you do all these things?
Like we used to
Oh like we used to
A Rocket To The Moon-Like We Used To
Sharing pillows and cold feet
She can feel my heart; fell asleep to its beat
Under blankets and warm sheets
If only I could be in that bed again
If only it were me instead of him
Does he watch your favorite movies?
Does he hold you when you cry?
Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts?
When you've seen it a million times
Does he sing to all your music?
While you dance to purple rain
Does he do all these things?
Like I used to?
14 months and 7 days ago,
Oh I know you know how we felt about that night
Just your skin against the window
Oh we took it slow and we both know
It shoulda been me inside that car
It should have been me instead of him in the dark
Does he watch your favorite movies?
Does he hold you when you cry?
Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts?
When you've seen it a million times
Does he sing to all your music?
While you dance to purple rain
Does he do all these things?
Like I used to?
I know that love happens all the time, love
(I'm a sucker for that feeling)
You're on my mind, love
(I always end up feeling cheated)
And that happens all the time, love
(Oh darling, I know I'm not needed)
Will he love you like I loved you?
Will he tell you everyday?
Will he make you feel like your invincible
With every word he'll say
Can you promise me that this was right?
Don't throw it all away
Can you do all these things?
Will you do all these things?
Like we used to
Oh like we used to
A Rocket To The Moon-Like We Used To
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
My god,why did you guys have to be so fake?I mean,you signed up for some social network but then you used other people's photo.I mean,if its a celebrity then it's up to the social network's thing lah.but you're using other people's photo and saying it was your photo.i mean,dont you think it's not a good thing to do?okay,seriously,ive met a couple of fakers in this one social network,and yeah.a boy and a girl.both of them are using my friend's photo.The girl,my god.She posted on her status saying why people started to accuse her of stealing other people's photo and all.and i was like,hey babe why dont we meet up.So I can tell them whats real.Then,the girl never replied and I think she stopped using it for some reason.Then,this one boy,yeah he was faking about everything.and the stupid thing was,he even asked for my number.I was like,wth man,you're fake,using other people's photo and now,you're in an open relationship with some girl who dont even know how'd you really look like.Dont you think how would the girl feel if she knew it wasnt your face all along?you guys gotta think're making that person,i dont even know why you guys did these kind of things.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Happy Ramadhan:)
Well,I'm glad that Ramadhan has already arrived this year.So i would like to wish you all Happy Fasting in this month of Ramadhan.Yeah,we're gonna be fasting for a month and then celebrate Raya,yeayy!hahaha well,today was the first day of puasa.It was going fine.but i had a very bad headache and that wasnt the good part.durh,but i managed to complete my puasa today.
Not much students came to school today.Maybe they just want to take a break on the first day of puasa i guess.hahaa.among my groups,only me,sera,nad,aida and amani,and danial is at school and doing absolutely nothing.well,the lessons starts as usual,uztazah looked happy today considering most of the girls in our school has already started wearing scarf and all.and then i got my maths paper.hahha need i say more?i dont think so hahahaa.never get any good marks from maths.yeah,Math hates me alot dont you think?hahahaha
Well,school ends at 12.30,and yeah thank god i managed to get back early.then when i arrived back home i was so tired and the headache became more worst,i fell asleep.and it wasnt long but still i had a good sleep.hahaa.then its almost 7pm and ryan and i headed to Au for breaking fast with baba and all.iqbal was there too.he went back home from his college to berbuka with us.and yeah,he gained a bit thou hahhaaa.well,that's all for now.until then.happy fasting:)
Monday, August 9, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Gutha Morening!-.-
Haha well,good morning guys!its 11 am in the morning and i'm cooking!woah lama cam tak masak banyak2 ni hahahaa.well yesterday was quite fun,i had my mum's cooking for noon,ahhh i miss mum's cooking;)) and went out with Fahmi at CM to teman him buat his design dekat mouse pad or something.agak cool la cause dapat upah for the first time for making a design for him:PP hahahaha,then bebot gets kacau-ed by this one mamak putih who works in Yusoof's restaurant hahaha.siap dapat gula2 kopiko free lagi hahahaaa.and malam tu tunggu mama around 10.30 mcm tu baru dia balik.she was so exhausted.then she was so hungry she cooked scrambled eggs for her.and she ate it with the samosa yang i cooked earlier.kesian sure she'd got plenty of rest today.ohh yeah i gotta go.terbakar karang samosa yg tgh dimasak ni long!catch you guys later!xx
Friday, August 6, 2010
Today was a good day for celebrating Nami's sweet're sixteen already.welcome to the club!hahaa.well,today was quite fun thou.we had karaoke and yeah,made a suprise birthday cake for Nami.It was great:D I didnt get a chance to sing much today cause i had a very bad sore throat and still have it now:( After the karaoke,Nami have to get back home and we all hugged her and after that,we headed to NZ for dinner.(well,sorta) hahahaa.then Mama called me and she told me that they're having dinner at KFC nearby.So I walked and thinking all about the things happened today.Good ones:) To my babes,dont worry about me,im over it.No matter how hard it is.I did it.Believe me,Ive already got through this kind of situation A LOT.So yeah,i'm cool.Everybody's cool and the earth's cool;D Love yah lots my Loves;)
Im so tired right now.i need a rest.
Im so tired right now.i need a rest.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
What a small world!
I got so tired with all of these exams.Haih,today was Perdagangan,sivik and arts.the perdagangan and sivik was okay.but i dont do well in my arts paper.i got tumbled up with the colours and it came out hell bad.gosh what to do-.- and today,while i was online-ing my facebook and all.i was wall-to-wall commenting with my friend Ib.And then something just made me shocked out of it.Ryan's friend,Faris join the club,and i was like.god,they two know each other?!how could i NOT know this! was kinda funny thou because i didnt know that Faris is actually Ib's senior in his school.well,that was like 2 years was fun actually.and i laughed hard thinking about this!hahahaha:D
you guys made my day!
Oh yeah.I gotta a lot of studying to do considering tomorrow is MATHS PAPER!-.-
love yah:D
you guys made my day!
Oh yeah.I gotta a lot of studying to do considering tomorrow is MATHS PAPER!-.-
love yah:D
what kind of gf am i?hahaha
Result: Dream GirlYou've got it all -- affection, a cool head, a positive attitude, and all that other stuff that guys want their girlfriends to have.
You're light-hearted, fun, romantic and not too sleazy -- a great combination. When you start a relationship, there's a good chance the guy will totally fall for you, whether he intended to or not. Keep up the great attitude and you're sure to be a heartbreaker. (Please just try to be gentle.)
You're light-hearted, fun, romantic and not too sleazy -- a great combination. When you start a relationship, there's a good chance the guy will totally fall for you, whether he intended to or not. Keep up the great attitude and you're sure to be a heartbreaker. (Please just try to be gentle.)
Monday, July 26, 2010
today -mat perempuan hensem
well,today was a very good day.hahaa and i started my morning with full of laughter.hahahaa.When we all were in a assembly at school,i noticed this one person who looks akwardly strange to me.I thought this PERSON is a new kid in school but then this person looked so strange somehow.This person wore a baju kurung with tudung and all but then this PERSON's face looked a bit like a guy.then after i took another glance at that person,Nuren told me that is a GUY.i was like wtf man hahahhaa.and she told us that guy kena cabar and all to be a girl at that wonder Pn Rohana kata macam ramai semacam budak lelaki.rupanya its those 2shey guys-Our 3yrs ago punya senior gang and they're the ones that makes the school filled with laughter.and then after assembly that guy jalan with Mimi and all of the guys were laughing and screaming semua.then after that we thought that the GUY was going to budak pandai punya class.instead,diorang semua masuk our class.and the GUY(who was wearing the baju kurung) sat next to Salmah and he was like so diam and malu2 hahahaaa.i admit it was so annoyingly funny and then that's when Cikgu Zamrul showed up with Cikgu Fairuz semua cari first macam tak perasan because all of those 6 people were wearing school uniforms.tu yang tak perasan tu.then sorang2 kena because kantoi rambut dah panjang and pakai songkok-.- hahahaa and then that GUY pulak was freaking hilarious!he can be a girl sebab muka jambu gila hahahahaa.he acted cool je time semua tu hahaa.eventhou cikgu semua macam dont like it and called it pencerobohan and all,but truth is,we all miss those 2shey felt so great meeting them back again in school with school uniforms;)ahaha
Friday, July 23, 2010
Friend to Foe
That's the title of this story,what me and my friends had gone through these past not so few months.there's once this one girl who all of us thought she was kind,wellmanered and so on.but then,i started to realise something was really going wrong.She was the kind of person who likes to underestimate,talk shit and mostly flirts with other guys.Reason?haha,you've guessed it.For FAME.Ohh what was that?can you please explain to me what the hell are you trying to do?are you trying to make people love to be friends with you or youre trying to catch people's attention for being a bitch?well,i guessed you've chosen the 2nd answer.And with your 'muka tak malu'makes us wanna vomit.ohh tell me about told us to be 'ADULT'?ohh what the hell,youre not even dont act like youre an ADULT.please honey,what goes around comes dont even try to pretend to say that you love this friendship and whatsoever just to make fool of yourself.grow up and be mature.try to live in this reality world.kau baru nak up kau masuk COMMUNITY boyan2 yang baru up tu.kan baru kau famous sikit en please once again,sedarkan lah diri awak tu with this reality world cause its not as good as in this cyberworld.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
A very Current Life Story

Every day wasn't the same day in school.There's always gonna be new stories,new haters and mostly those people who cant see us showing our grins and laughters.but dont even mind about that,those thing wont get in our way.i'm confused with my life right now,even in love life,i cant even handle the truth about it and i'm still against it.I've been sick nowadays and I'm not doing my best part of taking care about everyone including my own self.i've not been in a good mood since I thought so many about everything on what to do,what will i do and what are the consequences i'm going to take doing it.I'm done thinking about the unthinkable things.from this day forward,i'm thinking straight and just mostly,the current things in my life.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
I Love you;)Syahira Raszaily
Baby,ignore what they say,eventhou its true we had our pictures together.But there's one thing she didnt have,the friendship we had built since last year.I know what I say.and i know how you really feel sayang.i missed all the things we done.when we hangout together,go to my house and yeah,swimming in the rain.i missed all those part,especially when we're with,when you moved to Damansara,didnt you remember the times we had when we went out together?every one of us cried to not letting you go.because we know,things like this wouldve my Syahira Raszaily,dont worry sayang because you know how much we love you and we missed you even for a minute,a second,a time,and day.
and enough say,I LOVE YOU SO MUCH;)
-Sarah Azureen
and enough say,I LOVE YOU SO MUCH;)
-Sarah Azureen
Monday, June 21, 2010
look at this!:D
The Jamestown Story of how The Rocket Summer became The Dangerous Summer
The Cab driver drives along a Skylit Drive on My Favorite Highway past Every Avenue to the tune of the Motion City Soundtrack. When I arrive at The Dowtown Fiction, I see the Racing Kites as The Fastest Kid Alive approaches The Starting Line to Represent Room 94 on what would soon be A Day To Remember:
Forever The Sickest Kids reach an All Time Low after The Audition did not gain them Acceptance to The Academy Is…The Almost Alkaline Trio shouts, “We Shot The Moon”, but everyone thinks it is just School Boy Humor and says, “Boys Will Be Boys”. It isn’t until they Hit The Lights that You Me and Everyone We Know Take Cover under The Spill Canvas. Our Senses Fail in The Hush Sound as The Monster Goes Rawrr!! The Hand Me Down Kids devise a Simple Plan and Signal The Escape with The Secret Handshake. The Media Says, according to The Icarus Account, that The Sandlot Heroes make The Rescues while The Pink Spiders Panic At The Disco. In the PowerSpace, The Bigger Lights illuminate the Stereo Skyline. The Friday Night Boys take Flight 409 on A Rocket To The Moon and see A Bird A Sparrow, and say, “Hello, Astronaut” when they see that Amy Can Flyy. The Cobra Starship fixes the moon so that it is Better Than Toast, and then all is well. We The Kings of Owl City say HeyHiHello! as I Call Fives on seat Eleventyseven. I See Stars and Fireworks as The Summer Set(s) over Anarbor. WeShouldWhisper, but we Sing It Loud as we Rediscover the The Years Gone By in This Providence.
oh my god
pure genius
hands down
The Cab driver drives along a Skylit Drive on My Favorite Highway past Every Avenue to the tune of the Motion City Soundtrack. When I arrive at The Dowtown Fiction, I see the Racing Kites as The Fastest Kid Alive approaches The Starting Line to Represent Room 94 on what would soon be A Day To Remember:
Forever The Sickest Kids reach an All Time Low after The Audition did not gain them Acceptance to The Academy Is…The Almost Alkaline Trio shouts, “We Shot The Moon”, but everyone thinks it is just School Boy Humor and says, “Boys Will Be Boys”. It isn’t until they Hit The Lights that You Me and Everyone We Know Take Cover under The Spill Canvas. Our Senses Fail in The Hush Sound as The Monster Goes Rawrr!! The Hand Me Down Kids devise a Simple Plan and Signal The Escape with The Secret Handshake. The Media Says, according to The Icarus Account, that The Sandlot Heroes make The Rescues while The Pink Spiders Panic At The Disco. In the PowerSpace, The Bigger Lights illuminate the Stereo Skyline. The Friday Night Boys take Flight 409 on A Rocket To The Moon and see A Bird A Sparrow, and say, “Hello, Astronaut” when they see that Amy Can Flyy. The Cobra Starship fixes the moon so that it is Better Than Toast, and then all is well. We The Kings of Owl City say HeyHiHello! as I Call Fives on seat Eleventyseven. I See Stars and Fireworks as The Summer Set(s) over Anarbor. WeShouldWhisper, but we Sing It Loud as we Rediscover the The Years Gone By in This Providence.
oh my god
pure genius
hands down
Friday, June 4, 2010
the sweetest thing;)
Okay today is my first day of Holiday in June.OMG cool:P hahahhaha then i was checking out my google mail and there's this one message from and its from my friend Amad Akid.i posted a Q asking '3 words describe me' and i was shocked to see what he wrote.Okay i'll give you a chance to see what he Answered>>>>>
amad akid just answered your question at
Q: 3 words describe me:)
ure gorgeous.
ure kind.
ure all tht a guy wants.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Youth 10 Festival
okay today was the last day of the festival.the festival started on friday until this sunday,okay seriously it was the last day so agak kurang laa booth yg ada.but seriously it was fun and yeah i met Enol,my good ol friend from banting.then i met fared-.- then i met iqbal and he was with mia:) was fun watching some cool games and free gifts:P hahahha.then i got a free Xpax num:D and there's this one guy he tetiba je kata"eh you!"i was like sumpah blur gila cause i dont even know him.and then he said"ohh sorry,salah org" hahahahaha.then ada pulak this one cute guy menyibuk.ohh comel plak dia tu hahahahaha:D enuff abt that.then i was walking in the uox punya apa nth and theres concerts and all.then when i was otp with ryan,i saw aiman...uuuuuuhhh:P and i saw fofo too.then i tegur her then she was like who are you with and all then she macam pointing at aiman and dia kata tu aiman and aiman waved at me.alamak hahahhaa malu semangat:P ahahhaha,then she was like going to the toilet and i plak took a quick glance kt aiman and im off to jumpa ryan kt dpn pwtc.omg memang best laaa today.then we had nasi lemak kat kg baru tu fr dinner and time i beli pepsi gol(uhhhhhh i loikeeee) the cashier guy bajet macho dpn i sikit jatuh.AHAHHAHAHAHAHA sorry hahahaha:P okay that was it and gosh,i want morreee of youth 10 seriously hahahha:D
Friday, May 28, 2010
okay,when i woke up this morning.i checked my phone and i got like around 3 text from sera,my iman sakinaah and theres this one unknown then i texted la mana tau my friend ke ape.then the person asked me back.i was like'kau yg hntr dulu tanya aku buat apa-.-'then he introduced la himself as arie or something and all.then i was like okay lah.then i saja asked him,where does he live.dia reply mcm ni-At tmn bunga raya setapak..i think mesti u xmmpu-i was like.kau ingt rumah kau tu istana ke apa?your parents mmg la mampu nak beli the house you live in not you.dah la berlagak.when i see his fb profile,ingatkan muka hot ke ape nak cakap towards me like muka pun macam gay ada hati nak ckp mcm tu.then i was thankful to my phone cause im out of cred.yeayyy!but then he asked me i ada bf ke tak then he keeps on kacauing me.oh raxief,if you were here im really in need of your help.:((
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
English Paper:)
haih,this is the first week of exam and gosh its was freaking miserable-.-
Today is our english paper and how i liked the 2nd question so much!i wrote about my best friend that is currently in England and that is my Raxief Maula!gosh how i miss you badlyy:((
and when i was writing the essay,i almost cried thinking when im going to see him again.he's the one who i love the most and i miss how we both shared our secrets together.and i cant stop thinking about the things we're gonna do together when he's coming back here.gosh i miss you badly Maula!come home quick!:)
i love you so so much!<3
Today is our english paper and how i liked the 2nd question so much!i wrote about my best friend that is currently in England and that is my Raxief Maula!gosh how i miss you badlyy:((
and when i was writing the essay,i almost cried thinking when im going to see him again.he's the one who i love the most and i miss how we both shared our secrets together.and i cant stop thinking about the things we're gonna do together when he's coming back here.gosh i miss you badly Maula!come home quick!:)
i love you so so much!<3
Thursday, May 20, 2010
hello guys,its been a while and i got lots of stories to tell.but yeah,its a long story.
but to be short,ive been single for 4 months to be exact and ive been in a life that is only lived by boys and girls that is my best there they are.i love them badly and im thankful once again to have a friend like them:
Yana:twin sista that can never be replaced
Faiqah Ekrami:my soul sister
Mira Azam:my 'kakak';)
Maisarah Ghani:my papan and i love her
Sera:geng gossip yang aku sayang
Nad Halim:best frieeeend!:D
Aida:kawan stoned:D
Maisarah Amani:we share secrets.shhh:P
Nami:teddy bear aku:D
Amir Mazlan:aku tau dorg salah anggap tapi biarlah,kesah apa kan?:)
Afzal:abang shopping:D
please and i got lots of them to list out on.
i love you guys so so much;)
but to be short,ive been single for 4 months to be exact and ive been in a life that is only lived by boys and girls that is my best there they are.i love them badly and im thankful once again to have a friend like them:
Yana:twin sista that can never be replaced
Faiqah Ekrami:my soul sister
Mira Azam:my 'kakak';)
Maisarah Ghani:my papan and i love her
Sera:geng gossip yang aku sayang
Nad Halim:best frieeeend!:D
Aida:kawan stoned:D
Maisarah Amani:we share secrets.shhh:P
Nami:teddy bear aku:D
Amir Mazlan:aku tau dorg salah anggap tapi biarlah,kesah apa kan?:)
Afzal:abang shopping:D
please and i got lots of them to list out on.
i love you guys so so much;)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
today:) 29th April 2010
well,after school ends,arslan texted me that he'll come to pick me up.As soon as he arrived,i noticed this one pretty girl that is very familiar.And Arslan introduced me that is i thought i remember her name somewhere.but then i remember i have opened her facebook page once.Gosh i adore her,she's freaking tell you the truth,i never thought i would meet her with my school uniform on.hahaa,pretty weird huh?ahaha then we had nasi ayam for lunch at Melawati.She also have my photo taken using her polaroid camera.hahaha i looked such a nerdo.hhahaa.and now she's lepaking at my house and yeah,Ryan surely will drool,so i thought hahahahahaa:D
okay then,gotta go.hahaha:D goodbye loves.<3
okay then,gotta go.hahaha:D goodbye loves.<3
Friday, April 16, 2010
Wahh,sumpah serius harini terbaik gilaaaaa:D after balik sekolah,i kemas2 la a bit rumah cause Mai,Syaa,Syuha and Aida nak dtg enn,then fai plak kata she's coming.then after waiting like around 2.40,they arrived and sumpah semua macam online jap while waiting for faiqah.then bila semua dah macam sampai semua,they decided to tukar baju at my bilik yang agak bersepah at first,but tak jadi sebab i told them ada toilet kat area swimming pool tu.then time dah sampai2 kat swimming pool nak tukar baju semua,Syaa tak jumpa her swimming pants.agak cuak ah enn,ingat dorg curi ke ape enn hahahahaha last2 syaa forgot yang dia letak at my room hahahaaa.then memang memekak ahh kat dalam swimming pool tuu,sumpah we had fun was kinda akward seeing them coming to my house sebab macam usually we met at school,sri maya en.but sumpah they terbaik gilaa.I loveee you so much much much mucho gusto:,).You guys are the best and i'm so thankful to have you guys by my side:)and i'm so glad i found you guys.
-Especially to:Maisarah Ghani,Aida,Syaa,Syuha,Fai,Sera,Nad,Amira,Nami and more:)
sumpah nak menangis siot:PP hehehee
-Especially to:Maisarah Ghani,Aida,Syaa,Syuha,Fai,Sera,Nad,Amira,Nami and more:)
sumpah nak menangis siot:PP hehehee
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
busy busy busy.
since internet takde haritu,it's hard for me to continue my blogging and all.and seriously,there are lot s of things happened this week.i mean the good and the bad ones.the good ones are my sister,Bebot and i got our hand full of money.i meant COINS.hahaha,amd seriously,it was quie cool considering bebot bought a HOO-LA-HOOP that costs around rm35,dia beli guna duit syiling.hahhaa kesian makcik cashier kat toys'R'Us tu.hahahahaa.and i pun just bayar the taxi cab guna duit syiling.hahahhhaaa.memang cool ah en guna duit syiling,baru saving:D
the bad news is,i have nobody to adore,admire no more.because?si pundek tu dah ada gf.dua kali dah aku kena dengan dia.haihhh.maybe just not my luck.biarlah kan?harap2 dia happy je la sudah:Psumpah ni maybe bukan bad news.but to me it is.sebab he hilangkan diri time i dah nak betul2 jumpa dia and tell him how i felt.pundek ah sumpah aku nampak desperate.but biarlah.benda suka dah lama kot.since last year.dia pun tau.tapi again i cakap.bukan jodoh.hahahahahahaaa:D
the bad news is,i have nobody to adore,admire no more.because?si pundek tu dah ada gf.dua kali dah aku kena dengan dia.haihhh.maybe just not my luck.biarlah kan?harap2 dia happy je la sudah:Psumpah ni maybe bukan bad news.but to me it is.sebab he hilangkan diri time i dah nak betul2 jumpa dia and tell him how i felt.pundek ah sumpah aku nampak desperate.but biarlah.benda suka dah lama kot.since last year.dia pun tau.tapi again i cakap.bukan jodoh.hahahahahahaaa:D
Sunday, April 4, 2010
i know.
Yes,i was stupid for waiting the right moment.I've been hit by this thing twice.At the time with you and Illy,and now,youre with her.I know,i am not your type and all.but seriously,to be honest,youre the first person i love that i cant never forget.
Thank you once again.
Thank you once again.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Okay,today was perdagangan and history exam.perdagangan was okay.and yeah.there's a hell of a drama in school,irina was tengok-ing my phone and suddenly,my science teacher ternampak.gosh,how awful that was.we were like bagi phone lain2 but cikgu nak my phone dengan nak taknak tu terpaksa lah bagi.and to be lucky,i sempat pull out my memory card.HAHAHA.then i was sooo not in the mood for history test.i main jawab haram ape tau jadi kat paper tu dahh.then the teacher asks me to meet her in the lab around 12.20 ,then i was like okay lah kan.i met cikgu kazimah and siapa nth lagi sorg tu.macam tak percaya,she sebut my name like twice.haihh.then thank god.dpt balik.what a relief! this ends here.i dont want to remember this ever again.HAHA.
then after school,as usual.Aida,Mai,Syaa and i were lepaking at our usual place in Sri Maya.but Dejavu macam dah penuh so like we have to pergi other kedai.Haih,i waited for that guy,but he already said he's busy kan?so takpelah kan.then lepas dah boring lepak sana,we all go to Wangsa Walk.haha mengundang.hahahaha:D and we sorta like cari that contact lens punya casing sebab i takde tempat nak letak my new one.hahaha.that guy from focus point yg jual contact lens tu sumpah blur.hahahaha.then he cant stop staring at my eyes.hahaha.yelah,kakak BUGSY kan...hahhaha,then i thought i have to bayar,then i asked him how much?then he just like,''laa its okay laaa,no need to pay''.then i was like,'are you sureee???'.he just smiled.hahahaha.sumpah macam lawak gila time tuu.hehehe.then kitorang macam lalu kedai RipCurl tau.And i told syaa that last wed,time i pergi this one salesguy macam pandang2.then dengan muka tak malu,kitorg pun masuk kedai tuu.and yes,syaa kata mmg mamat tu pandang.haha mengundang.then time nak keluar tu mamat tu ckp'thnk you,pls come again',then i dengan perangai yang mengada tu tengok and him just smiled.hahahahaha,yes,im gedik for sure.hahahahaa.and yeah,the four of us had a great time.i love you guys so much mucho gusto! hahahahaa
thank god its friday!:DDDD
then after school,as usual.Aida,Mai,Syaa and i were lepaking at our usual place in Sri Maya.but Dejavu macam dah penuh so like we have to pergi other kedai.Haih,i waited for that guy,but he already said he's busy kan?so takpelah kan.then lepas dah boring lepak sana,we all go to Wangsa Walk.haha mengundang.hahahaha:D and we sorta like cari that contact lens punya casing sebab i takde tempat nak letak my new one.hahaha.that guy from focus point yg jual contact lens tu sumpah blur.hahahaha.then he cant stop staring at my eyes.hahaha.yelah,kakak BUGSY kan...hahhaha,then i thought i have to bayar,then i asked him how much?then he just like,''laa its okay laaa,no need to pay''.then i was like,'are you sureee???'.he just smiled.hahahaha.sumpah macam lawak gila time tuu.hehehe.then kitorang macam lalu kedai RipCurl tau.And i told syaa that last wed,time i pergi this one salesguy macam pandang2.then dengan muka tak malu,kitorg pun masuk kedai tuu.and yes,syaa kata mmg mamat tu pandang.haha mengundang.then time nak keluar tu mamat tu ckp'thnk you,pls come again',then i dengan perangai yang mengada tu tengok and him just smiled.hahahahaha,yes,im gedik for sure.hahahahaa.and yeah,the four of us had a great time.i love you guys so much mucho gusto! hahahahaa
thank god its friday!:DDDD
Thursday, April 1, 2010
well,i just found this blog.and seriously,id known this guy since like the first time i step into highschool year.Problem is,he's too arrogant.that's why lah girls dont like you.and stop being sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo annoying.please,you have guy friends right?stop calling me,stop being a STALKER.and man,no wonder you dont have much friend because youre the one who never even greeted your own classmates.that is why people dont like you,because they thought youre sombong.and please lahh.stop being such a NERD.kalau nak buat karangan tu buat lah dekat buku.politics,economi is not just about how you read how its like.its how you see the way it,urgh,i dont talk politics(end of discussion).HAHA.and yeah.I still remember how boastful you are just because your grandfther is an,kalau you yang berlakon lain cerita.kesah plak akku pasal atuk kau en?
please,even nerdos have friends.
please,even nerdos have friends.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
here the story goes.
today was maths and science exam..durhhh,peningggg!hahaha:D then as usual,gathered around and talk2.hahaha.and yeah.banyak jugak laa,about taufiq tu dengggggg,sumpah susah nak cover.chicken dance menyibuk sgt.da gado ngn opiq.haihhh.biarlah kan,it wont last long until the exams ends.epadahal esok je kot.hahhahaa:D and yeah.i was kinda thought of going out tomorrow and sorta like wanna ask Amin if he can go out tomorrow.well,i'll try to text him.but im too freaking scared if he wont answer.haih.but biarlah.he dont trust girls dah kan?and i think he already dah tak trust me i think,nak delay lama lagi.hmmm.i dont know la.i want to let this feelings go.lagi cepat,the i wont be thinking about this so much anymore. goshh,Amin.i know i shouldnt call your real name but if i pakai your nickname,sumpah.mesti ramai gila lah will be shocked reading this.cause i know lots of people kenal you.and yeah. i know if you look back,you may get a thought of im being desperate.but noooo,its called a blog,and its like a simple diary for us to write about our daily routine.haha.dah i talk crap already.hahahaha
and guess what? i got my lens already!!!!!!ITS BLUE! hahaha yeahhhh:D love itttt
and guess what? i got my lens already!!!!!!ITS BLUE! hahaha yeahhhh:D love itttt
Thursday, March 25, 2010
haihh,stlh smlm menunggu,20+ missed calls,2 mssges.u didnt even answer.i know lah u busy ke ape,at least 1 msg pun takpe i wont gonna call you or text you until this sat.and i need to tell you cepat2.because if i dont.somebody will do.haaih
Friday, March 19, 2010
Back to single:)
After a month having in a relationship.i finally came out single.yeah.i know people would thought im gonna be sad and all.but yeah,we have to be tough to get on with this life.We have to face what's gonna happen next.and yeah,for what i thought we have to move on.I know i loved this guy,but we have to accept the things that happens to us and be patient for all of this.and yeah,it was a shock to me realizing id been in a relationship for a month.i felt i was single,most of the time.really.It's not that i said i was single but i only felt that because the guy wasnt here.and I know the truth always hurts a lot.and for the truth,the guy who you always talk about,i loved him very much and everytime when you talked about him,my heart just beats fast.i tried to forget him but,yeah.i really cant.i dont know why but i can see that you were sort of jealous of him.And yeah,like i always said.Youre the one who started it,so youre the one who have to end it.i was right.You ended it exactly a month we're in a relationship.Thanks a lot.i really appreciate for what you've done.I dont know what's gonna happen next,but i hope good things will come.:) i hope this blog wouldnt offend you.sorry for if i said may hurt your feelings.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
can i have this guy?
we've known for such a long time and my feelings fer him,urgghh i dont know.agak lama ahh gak i liked this guy.everytime i opened my myspace acc,mesti terslack tgk his profile.durhhh.*tangan gatal.hahahaha.and last time i met him,he hantar me balik and i did something that i like to do the most:)kacauing his hair.and he tak marah but just smiled.gosh.please laaaa.what the hell is wrong with me.gilagilagila.hahahhahaa.i really cant tell ya who he is.only my six chicks know:D
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I miss you Raxief Maula;(

I miss our secrets and i know its been a long time we didnt met.and seriously after you'd gone to New York,its getting more harder to contact with you.and yeah,we didnt have our conversation like the old days.gosshh i really miss you darling.i hope you could stop by to Malaysia when you have your hols.
I really miss you my only best friend:)
Raxief Maula:)
Friday, February 26, 2010
I love haters;)
yeah i know some of you guys didnt like me at all,well,im good with it
and furthermore,the way you texted me,and yeah,i tried to call you but i do think you might be scared to talk to me.ehh please.if youre backing up that girl,go my guest.i would love to see when she kicked your butts off.
i dont see why you should react like you want to be famous?at school ONLY???hahaha.well,highschool is just only can make it better or worse.but stop backstabbing and playing like a fu*king retard girl!i dont even bloody care if you want to call us but the victim here.ive lost so many best old friends because of you
im glad what happened last thursday before hols.but i think you werent taking it seriously.
badly,if im not the one that was backing you up before,i think you couldve been murder yourself.hahahaaaa.
i think most of the people that has been in a fight with you was happy and they supported it when they seee,I was not there to back you yeah.
keep on crawling girl.cause i know i'll kick your ass off my face!
and furthermore,the way you texted me,and yeah,i tried to call you but i do think you might be scared to talk to me.ehh please.if youre backing up that girl,go my guest.i would love to see when she kicked your butts off.
i dont see why you should react like you want to be famous?at school ONLY???hahaha.well,highschool is just only can make it better or worse.but stop backstabbing and playing like a fu*king retard girl!i dont even bloody care if you want to call us but the victim here.ive lost so many best old friends because of you
im glad what happened last thursday before hols.but i think you werent taking it seriously.
badly,if im not the one that was backing you up before,i think you couldve been murder yourself.hahahaaaa.
i think most of the people that has been in a fight with you was happy and they supported it when they seee,I was not there to back you yeah.
keep on crawling girl.cause i know i'll kick your ass off my face!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Okay,setelah hampir 6 minggu tak keluar,akhirnya terjejak juga kakiku di Pavilion.memang lama gila lah tak pergi sana.adoii.mula2 ada laa this one guy nak join lepak.but then bila da sampai je pavi.haihh.tak jadi.its okay la kan.sabar je laaa.then yg lain pun xdpt kuar sbb takde duit.aiyooooo.then jumpa laaa aiman monir dgn ermira.lepas salam2 pergi plak cari kad for the bday girl.ahahaha.then naik2 entrance lagi jumpa plak Mofaan:)sembang2 ngn dia jap then off to cari org.ahaha.mmg sumpah laa.hari yg penuh bersejarah sbb first time lpak sorang2.ahahhaa.then i called ramai ah jugak then ramai laaaa kata dorg xdtg.takpe2,sabar lagi.ahaah.then i called afzal.dia pun nak lepak but akhirnya xdpt gak jumpa.1 sbb battery phone yg S***** ni habis.then i dont remember his num.haihh.then i jumpa si HAZIM yg poyos tu.mengada2.haihh.then around 8.45 cmtu i pun balik.then i had dinner kat Nailis ampang and abang amik order tu gelak comel* ahhahahahaha.mana taknya,baba kata banana split jadi banana sepelit.hahahaha:D
Friday, February 19, 2010
okayy.tdi was a bit embarrassing:D hahahaahahaa.well,si DIA,asked for topup tau,then time dah bagi tu dia call la pulak.......i tgh2 ckp ngn dia tiba2 i tercakap kt kwn dia pulak.adoyaaaii.malunyaaaa.hahahahaha.last2 kwn dia cover kata madu2 la ape laaa.thn he asked me dia nak tgk cmne rupa madu dia.then i kata tny la DIA tu.hahaha:D
it was hilarious for me somehow.:)
but the only thing is i love you:)madu pun madu je laaa:D hahahaha
it was hilarious for me somehow.:)
but the only thing is i love you:)madu pun madu je laaa:D hahahaha
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Wow!finally!balik jugak kl! hahaahah.its already 5days i takde kat rumah ni akhirnya balik jugak:D hahahahaaha.well,i pergi Kelantan for 3 days and yeah,to penang for 2 days.agak memenatkan la jugak and OMG!i've gained weight back!!!mana taknyaa,time kat kelantan makan nasi pagi petang siang malam.hahahahahaha.wht to do kan?esok g gym n swimming kot:).hahaha well..macam2 lah happened time pergi 5days tu.hahaha.
Day 1
Im with baba and Imran kat dlm keta while auntie kas is in the car with iqbal and we're off to Kelantan.Memang i je la jadi navigator enn.the trip was okay laaa.bila da sampai.tgk rumah atok yg tak siap lagi but amazingly lawa la jugak walaupun tak siap sebab dia buat from the start kan?but best laa pergi kampung pusing2.hahaha.time tu sampai malam so tgk mcm ramai ah gak sbb atok buat kenduri lepas da unpacked semua g makan jap and agak panas la jugak kt dalam bilik tu sebab bahang simen.haihh memang tak senang tido laaaa
Day 2
Dah bangun then siap2 laa pergi makan semua.masa memang rasa mcm berjalan lambat gila kt sana.maybe sebab kitorg kt sana buat kerja cepat ke apa tak tau la enn.hahaa.then time kenduri tu plak.haihhh.malu maluu.i was wearing a cream-like baju kurung tau.baba kata macam nak buat kenduri kahwin for me pulak.i was like?whatttt?hahahah.i tanya baba,mana orang yg datang merisik?the dia kata ttuuuuu jauh dia perak.hahahahahaa.apeee laa:P hehehee.
Then mcm malam tu around 12 midnight++ dorg ajak g cari roti canai.punya la mencari tak jumpa akhirnya lepak jugak kt 1 kedai ni.Auntie kas pulak tgh buat rokok daun for baba.tiba2 she gave me yg takde tembakau.then i was like,hahahaa okay.dengan selambernyaaa,ku menghisap rokok daun di depan ayah ku mcm cool gila.hahahahahahaaha:D.baba pun rilek je enn.hahahaa
Day 3
kitorang singgah di beberapa rumah sedare mara yg jauh2.(mmg jauh pun).then g jalan2 main ngn kucing,pergi amik view sungai semua.huhhh memang best laaa:D
Day 4
Kitorg bertolak ke Penang around 10++ a.m.memang time ni i mcm tertido je sebab da 3hari mcm tak cukup sbb battery phone habis pun dah tak boleh nak main around 4 mcm tu baru sampai penang.Sesat jugak cari majlis kahwin tu sebab dia buat kt Kompleks tabung haji.da jumpa but termasuk jalan belakang.haihh susah susah.nasib laa makcik robot navigator keta tu ada.hahaha.then da sampai je jumpa laa uncle Malik dgn wife diaaa.then masuk2 majlis tu mmg dah tak ramai orang.tpi lawa laa.the theme was pink and white.hahaa.then jumpa pakcik samad dengan Mak yah after makan2,kitorang pun tggu siapa entah(Orang Besar Penang).datang sekali dengan Che Khalik(that's my atuk sedara).So kira yang kahwin tu my OPAH!hahahahaha(but she's still young laaa.DR.tuuuuu.)then,tengah2 tengok tuuuu.ku perasan seseorang yg ku kenal.that is my kakak angkt Nurul.agak lama ah gak tak jumpa dia kan.tiba2 sesat jumpa kat Penang.hahaha.setelah melakukan sedikit penyelidikan,she is my AUNTIE!hahaahahaha.sumpah lawak but cool ah jugak tgk opah hot kahwin:P hehehee.Then ingt nak cari hotel lain but Che Khalid pun da ckp suruh dduk je kt tabung haji ni punya baba pun kata ok je la sbb dia pun malas nak cari hotel lain.baba tak 3 rooms.kira 1 for them,1 for the guys and one for ME!sumpah lepak bilik tu sorang2 best.siap ada 2 beds so i pun apa lagi.ikut Mr.Bean aa.lompat2 atas katil:D.heheheheeeee
then da siap mandi,refreshing semua baba pun ajak keluar makan dinner.that is PASEMBOQ.hahahaah.memang sesak ah gak kat Pdg Kota Lama tu.memang view dia tenang and really amazing.besttt je makan pasembor semua then kitorang pun balik.but auntie kas agak moody sket sbb iqbal ngn irfan sesat.haiih.tgk2 tak sampai 5mins kitorg sampai hotel dorg dah sampai.buat risauu dgn keadaan sorg2 tuu,tgk la cita James Bond(Pierce Brosnan awwww;P)hehehe.then tido dgn aman jeeee:D
Day 5
After dah packed barang semua,kitorg g pekena nasi kandaq kat tepi jalan tu.huiiih.pedas wehh.sampai skrg masih terasa.hahahaa.then kitorg sepatutnya pergi Penang Hill but tak ketersampaian sbb JAMMED TERUK!.so we pergi laa Queensbay Mall.memang besar gila tempat tu,nak pusing lebih sehari rasanya.hahaha.then memang best laa sbb SALE SALE SALE! i had bought some clothes,and baba belanja 1 kasut barruuu:P suka nooohhh.heeee:P
then its time to balik.the best part is,keta auntie kas minyak dia dah kitorg pergi percayaaa sgt kt navigator tu cari stesen minyak.tpi she led us to jln mati.mana laaa tak marah.haaaaaih.then nasib baik laa sempat nak isi minyak and sempat jugak laa baba tak masuk bridge.kalau tak memang nahas laaaa.hahahaa.then we're off to kl.memang mcm2 laa.kt penang tu time nak isi minyak tu ada pulak dorg jual BARBICAN kt Caltex.i was likeeee.wahhhhhh:Dsukaaaa.heeee.then auntie kas belanja laaa kami:D.hehehee then the perjalanan agak best laaa.then bertukar boring sbb tak tau nak buat apaaa.hheheeh.then bila da sampai around 11p.m.g makan jap kt then i balik laaaa rumaaah and now im here writing this.hahahahaa:Dand now i dah ngntok mau tidoq haaaa.hangpa jago diri elok2 haahah:D
Day 1
Im with baba and Imran kat dlm keta while auntie kas is in the car with iqbal and we're off to Kelantan.Memang i je la jadi navigator enn.the trip was okay laaa.bila da sampai.tgk rumah atok yg tak siap lagi but amazingly lawa la jugak walaupun tak siap sebab dia buat from the start kan?but best laa pergi kampung pusing2.hahaha.time tu sampai malam so tgk mcm ramai ah gak sbb atok buat kenduri lepas da unpacked semua g makan jap and agak panas la jugak kt dalam bilik tu sebab bahang simen.haihh memang tak senang tido laaaa
Day 2
Dah bangun then siap2 laa pergi makan semua.masa memang rasa mcm berjalan lambat gila kt sana.maybe sebab kitorg kt sana buat kerja cepat ke apa tak tau la enn.hahaa.then time kenduri tu plak.haihhh.malu maluu.i was wearing a cream-like baju kurung tau.baba kata macam nak buat kenduri kahwin for me pulak.i was like?whatttt?hahahah.i tanya baba,mana orang yg datang merisik?the dia kata ttuuuuu jauh dia perak.hahahahahaa.apeee laa:P hehehee.
Then mcm malam tu around 12 midnight++ dorg ajak g cari roti canai.punya la mencari tak jumpa akhirnya lepak jugak kt 1 kedai ni.Auntie kas pulak tgh buat rokok daun for baba.tiba2 she gave me yg takde tembakau.then i was like,hahahaa okay.dengan selambernyaaa,ku menghisap rokok daun di depan ayah ku mcm cool gila.hahahahahahaaha:D.baba pun rilek je enn.hahahaa
Day 3
kitorang singgah di beberapa rumah sedare mara yg jauh2.(mmg jauh pun).then g jalan2 main ngn kucing,pergi amik view sungai semua.huhhh memang best laaa:D
Day 4
Kitorg bertolak ke Penang around 10++ a.m.memang time ni i mcm tertido je sebab da 3hari mcm tak cukup sbb battery phone habis pun dah tak boleh nak main around 4 mcm tu baru sampai penang.Sesat jugak cari majlis kahwin tu sebab dia buat kt Kompleks tabung haji.da jumpa but termasuk jalan belakang.haihh susah susah.nasib laa makcik robot navigator keta tu ada.hahaha.then da sampai je jumpa laa uncle Malik dgn wife diaaa.then masuk2 majlis tu mmg dah tak ramai orang.tpi lawa laa.the theme was pink and white.hahaa.then jumpa pakcik samad dengan Mak yah after makan2,kitorang pun tggu siapa entah(Orang Besar Penang).datang sekali dengan Che Khalik(that's my atuk sedara).So kira yang kahwin tu my OPAH!hahahahaha(but she's still young laaa.DR.tuuuuu.)then,tengah2 tengok tuuuu.ku perasan seseorang yg ku kenal.that is my kakak angkt Nurul.agak lama ah gak tak jumpa dia kan.tiba2 sesat jumpa kat Penang.hahaha.setelah melakukan sedikit penyelidikan,she is my AUNTIE!hahaahahaha.sumpah lawak but cool ah jugak tgk opah hot kahwin:P hehehee.Then ingt nak cari hotel lain but Che Khalid pun da ckp suruh dduk je kt tabung haji ni punya baba pun kata ok je la sbb dia pun malas nak cari hotel lain.baba tak 3 rooms.kira 1 for them,1 for the guys and one for ME!sumpah lepak bilik tu sorang2 best.siap ada 2 beds so i pun apa lagi.ikut Mr.Bean aa.lompat2 atas katil:D.heheheheeeee
then da siap mandi,refreshing semua baba pun ajak keluar makan dinner.that is PASEMBOQ.hahahaah.memang sesak ah gak kat Pdg Kota Lama tu.memang view dia tenang and really amazing.besttt je makan pasembor semua then kitorang pun balik.but auntie kas agak moody sket sbb iqbal ngn irfan sesat.haiih.tgk2 tak sampai 5mins kitorg sampai hotel dorg dah sampai.buat risauu dgn keadaan sorg2 tuu,tgk la cita James Bond(Pierce Brosnan awwww;P)hehehe.then tido dgn aman jeeee:D
Day 5
After dah packed barang semua,kitorg g pekena nasi kandaq kat tepi jalan tu.huiiih.pedas wehh.sampai skrg masih terasa.hahahaa.then kitorg sepatutnya pergi Penang Hill but tak ketersampaian sbb JAMMED TERUK!.so we pergi laa Queensbay Mall.memang besar gila tempat tu,nak pusing lebih sehari rasanya.hahaha.then memang best laa sbb SALE SALE SALE! i had bought some clothes,and baba belanja 1 kasut barruuu:P suka nooohhh.heeee:P
then its time to balik.the best part is,keta auntie kas minyak dia dah kitorg pergi percayaaa sgt kt navigator tu cari stesen minyak.tpi she led us to jln mati.mana laaa tak marah.haaaaaih.then nasib baik laa sempat nak isi minyak and sempat jugak laa baba tak masuk bridge.kalau tak memang nahas laaaa.hahahaa.then we're off to kl.memang mcm2 laa.kt penang tu time nak isi minyak tu ada pulak dorg jual BARBICAN kt Caltex.i was likeeee.wahhhhhh:Dsukaaaa.heeee.then auntie kas belanja laaa kami:D.hehehee then the perjalanan agak best laaa.then bertukar boring sbb tak tau nak buat apaaa.hheheeh.then bila da sampai around 11p.m.g makan jap kt then i balik laaaa rumaaah and now im here writing this.hahahahaa:Dand now i dah ngntok mau tidoq haaaa.hangpa jago diri elok2 haahah:D
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Fajrul,kenapa lah kau kena pindah jugakk???takde la nak bahan2 semua,takde main 'body contact' lagi.memang tahun ni ktorg pun mcm xrapat en,so dpt jumpa kau last friday tu pun mcm terubat time2 kite dulu2:)dulu time form 2 ingt lagi,fajrul sorg je la kawan lelaki kelas lain,memang best ah ada kwn mcm fajrul.everytime dgn dia je mesti happy je.xde nak sedih2.tpi bila dia nak pindah teknik,semua jadi susah hidup.kat pahang kot.mcm mana nak jumpa.tpi bila fikir balik,facebook ada.semua boleh contact kan?tpi xleh laa.kena ada fajrul gak kt skola ohh.memang terkejut gila dgr farul nk pindah.tpi nak buat cmne kan.skrg ni hilang la 1 best friend kt skola.tpi sampai bila2 kita kawan kan kan?:) im gonna miss you Muhd.Fazrul.
Sarah Gallers kau:)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
2010...hmm,well,for me stepping into the senior world is a bit fun.but its still early and we only hoped for the best.but the thing is,the challenges that we're gonna face.and to be sure,im gonna be sitting for my SPM next year.durhhh.guess that i'll have to work out the best out of me lahh.well,as far as in school,i'll love almost every subject that im taking.but unfortunately,i dislike this year's BM teacher.she's new but the thing is,she wants us to do it her own way.haihhh.what to do.well,i gotta go.ryan cant keep on NAGGING! durhhh..well.bye bye:D
Friday, January 15, 2010
it was last wednesday and i just got back home from school and baru lepas lepak anjung with amira.i decided to meet her mum malam tu kat hospital.then i had my evening sleep,tiba amira called me around 6++.she was crying and she said her mum already passed away.i punya laa terkejut.inalillah.i was speechless and i told my mum and dad.but they were too busy with their
Amira is currently not in a good worried abt her badly.and i really want to meet her now:(
hope youre okay miera.
Amira is currently not in a good worried abt her badly.and i really want to meet her now:(
hope youre okay miera.
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