Well hello guys!Yesterday we went to the KLIMS(or as stated above:P) and hell it was crowded with people.And yeah,there's lots of BEAUTIFUL,GORGEOUS,LUXORIOUS and EXPENSIVE cars shown in the hall.So there were 4 exhibit halls and yeah,The first was mostly from Proton and Im telling you,the cars were awesome as nuts!There's the new JEBAT that looks very very naissss.lol.so the second was the BUMBLEBEE car,that is the Chevrolet Camaro.They also put our star,the BUMBLEBEE itself.(but its certainly not moving and it's as huge as we seen in the movies)Well,then we headed for exhibit 3 where there was KIA cars and Peugots.and yeah,lots of foxy models everywhere which entertains most of the male visitors there(LOL.I wasnt that,you know.excited in the 1st,2nd and the 3rd hall.Cause the fun starts at the end of the show.That is Hall 4.I know they love to save the best for last and yeah.As soon we've reached the 4th hall.I ran straight for the Mitsubishi's cars.And guess what?I got into the Lancer Evo X.Oh my.You know,it was like my wishes came true.And yeah.Ryan said it was freakin awkward cause I was like the only girl that went to the Evo car.I do love car sports you know;) Yes,but what to do?I just like them.but what I want the most is Evo 7 or evo 8:)that's my dream car.So yeah.After that we met Julie Woon or as we call her Miss Nina who stars in Blogger Boy.She was stunning!And yeah after that.we went to Kg Baru for dinner:) Awh it was definite amazing.
P/S:Eventhou it was alot of fun watching all those beautiful machines,but I kinda say that I just dislike some of the people who likes to push around when it gets too crowded,the people who likes to interrupt people taking photos.(Its a DEFINITE RUDE,aite?)and the people who is so 'kabut'.ergh,I hope next year will be a better one.Well,I can share some of the photos when Im in my Evo;P and my dream car:D well.catch you guys later.Toodles:)



Evo 7 mere dreamo carro;)(my dream car)

EVO 8;)))
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