Saturday, January 30, 2010


Fajrul,kenapa lah kau kena pindah jugakk???takde la nak bahan2 semua,takde main 'body contact' lagi.memang tahun ni ktorg pun mcm xrapat en,so dpt jumpa kau last friday tu pun mcm terubat time2 kite dulu2:)dulu time form 2 ingt lagi,fajrul sorg je la kawan lelaki kelas lain,memang best ah ada kwn mcm fajrul.everytime dgn dia je mesti happy je.xde nak sedih2.tpi bila dia nak pindah teknik,semua jadi susah hidup.kat pahang kot.mcm mana nak jumpa.tpi bila fikir balik,facebook ada.semua boleh contact kan?tpi xleh laa.kena ada fajrul gak kt skola ohh.memang terkejut gila dgr farul nk pindah.tpi nak buat cmne kan.skrg ni hilang la 1 best friend kt skola.tpi sampai bila2 kita kawan kan kan?:) im gonna miss you Muhd.Fazrul.

Sarah Gallers kau:)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


2010...hmm,well,for me stepping into the senior world is a bit fun.but its still early and we only hoped for the best.but the thing is,the challenges that we're gonna face.and to be sure,im gonna be sitting for my SPM next year.durhhh.guess that i'll have to work out the best out of me lahh.well,as far as in school,i'll love almost every subject that im taking.but unfortunately,i dislike this year's BM teacher.she's new but the thing is,she wants us to do it her own way.haihhh.what to do.well,i gotta go.ryan cant keep on NAGGING! durhhh..well.bye bye:D

Friday, January 15, 2010


it was last wednesday and i just got back home from school and baru lepas lepak anjung with amira.i decided to meet her mum malam tu kat hospital.then i had my evening sleep,tiba amira called me around 6++.she was crying and she said her mum already passed away.i punya laa terkejut.inalillah.i was speechless and i told my mum and dad.but they were too busy with their
Amira is currently not in a good worried abt her badly.and i really want to meet her now:(
hope youre okay miera.