Wednesday, April 28, 2010

today:) 29th April 2010

well,after school ends,arslan texted me that he'll come to pick me up.As soon as he arrived,i noticed this one pretty girl that is very familiar.And Arslan introduced me that is i thought i remember her name somewhere.but then i remember i have opened her facebook page once.Gosh i adore her,she's freaking tell you the truth,i never thought i would meet her with my school uniform on.hahaa,pretty weird huh?ahaha then we had nasi ayam for lunch at Melawati.She also have my photo taken using her polaroid camera.hahaha i looked such a nerdo.hhahaa.and now she's lepaking at my house and yeah,Ryan surely will drool,so i thought hahahahahaa:D
okay then,gotta go.hahaha:D goodbye loves.<3

Friday, April 16, 2010


Wahh,sumpah serius harini terbaik gilaaaaa:D after balik sekolah,i kemas2 la a bit rumah cause Mai,Syaa,Syuha and Aida nak dtg enn,then fai plak kata she's coming.then after waiting like around 2.40,they arrived and sumpah semua macam online jap while waiting for faiqah.then bila semua dah macam sampai semua,they decided to tukar baju at my bilik yang agak bersepah at first,but tak jadi sebab i told them ada toilet kat area swimming pool tu.then time dah sampai2 kat swimming pool nak tukar baju semua,Syaa tak jumpa her swimming pants.agak cuak ah enn,ingat dorg curi ke ape enn hahahahaha last2 syaa forgot yang dia letak at my room hahahaaa.then memang memekak ahh kat dalam swimming pool tuu,sumpah we had fun was kinda akward seeing them coming to my house sebab macam usually we met at school,sri maya en.but sumpah they terbaik gilaa.I loveee you so much much much mucho gusto:,).You guys are the best and i'm so thankful to have you guys by my side:)and i'm so glad i found you guys.
-Especially to:Maisarah Ghani,Aida,Syaa,Syuha,Fai,Sera,Nad,Amira,Nami and more:)
sumpah nak menangis siot:PP hehehee

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

busy busy busy.

since internet takde haritu,it's hard for me to continue my blogging and all.and seriously,there are lot s of things happened this week.i mean the good and the bad ones.the good ones are my sister,Bebot and i got our hand full of money.i meant COINS.hahaha,amd seriously,it was quie cool considering bebot bought a HOO-LA-HOOP that costs around rm35,dia beli guna duit syiling.hahhaa kesian makcik cashier kat toys'R'Us tu.hahahahaa.and i pun just bayar the taxi cab guna duit syiling.hahahhhaaa.memang cool ah en guna duit syiling,baru saving:D
the bad news is,i have nobody to adore,admire no more.because?si pundek tu dah ada gf.dua kali dah aku kena dengan dia.haihhh.maybe just not my luck.biarlah kan?harap2 dia happy je la sudah:Psumpah ni maybe bukan bad news.but to me it is.sebab he hilangkan diri time i dah nak betul2 jumpa dia and tell him how i felt.pundek ah sumpah aku nampak desperate.but biarlah.benda suka dah lama kot.since last year.dia pun tau.tapi again i cakap.bukan jodoh.hahahahahahaaa:D

Sunday, April 4, 2010

i know.

Yes,i was stupid for waiting the right moment.I've been hit by this thing twice.At the time with you and Illy,and now,youre with her.I know,i am not your type and all.but seriously,to be honest,youre the first person i love that i cant never forget.
Thank you once again.

Friday, April 2, 2010


Okay,today was perdagangan and history exam.perdagangan was okay.and yeah.there's a hell of a drama in school,irina was tengok-ing my phone and suddenly,my science teacher ternampak.gosh,how awful that was.we were like bagi phone lain2 but cikgu nak my phone dengan nak taknak tu terpaksa lah bagi.and to be lucky,i sempat pull out my memory card.HAHAHA.then i was sooo not in the mood for history test.i main jawab haram ape tau jadi kat paper tu dahh.then the teacher asks me to meet her in the lab around 12.20 ,then i was like okay lah kan.i met cikgu kazimah and siapa nth lagi sorg tu.macam tak percaya,she sebut my name like twice.haihh.then thank god.dpt balik.what a relief! this ends here.i dont want to remember this ever again.HAHA.

then after school,as usual.Aida,Mai,Syaa and i were lepaking at our usual place in Sri Maya.but Dejavu macam dah penuh so like we have to pergi other kedai.Haih,i waited for that guy,but he already said he's busy kan?so takpelah kan.then lepas dah boring lepak sana,we all go to Wangsa Walk.haha mengundang.hahahaha:D and we sorta like cari that contact lens punya casing sebab i takde tempat nak letak my new one.hahaha.that guy from focus point yg jual contact lens tu sumpah blur.hahahaha.then he cant stop staring at my eyes.hahaha.yelah,kakak BUGSY kan...hahhaha,then i thought i have to bayar,then i asked him how much?then he just like,''laa its okay laaa,no need to pay''.then i was like,'are you sureee???'.he just smiled.hahahaha.sumpah macam lawak gila time tuu.hehehe.then kitorang macam lalu kedai RipCurl tau.And i told syaa that last wed,time i pergi this one salesguy macam pandang2.then dengan muka tak malu,kitorg pun masuk kedai tuu.and yes,syaa kata mmg mamat tu pandang.haha mengundang.then time nak keluar tu mamat tu ckp'thnk you,pls come again',then i dengan perangai yang mengada tu tengok and him just smiled.hahahahaha,yes,im gedik for sure.hahahahaa.and yeah,the four of us had a great time.i love you guys so much mucho gusto! hahahahaa

thank god its friday!:DDDD

Thursday, April 1, 2010


well,i just found this blog.and seriously,id known this guy since like the first time i step into highschool year.Problem is,he's too arrogant.that's why lah girls dont like you.and stop being sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo annoying.please,you have guy friends right?stop calling me,stop being a STALKER.and man,no wonder you dont have much friend because youre the one who never even greeted your own classmates.that is why people dont like you,because they thought youre sombong.and please lahh.stop being such a NERD.kalau nak buat karangan tu buat lah dekat buku.politics,economi is not just about how you read how its like.its how you see the way it,urgh,i dont talk politics(end of discussion).HAHA.and yeah.I still remember how boastful you are just because your grandfther is an,kalau you yang berlakon lain cerita.kesah plak akku pasal atuk kau en?
please,even nerdos have friends.