Friday, April 16, 2010


Wahh,sumpah serius harini terbaik gilaaaaa:D after balik sekolah,i kemas2 la a bit rumah cause Mai,Syaa,Syuha and Aida nak dtg enn,then fai plak kata she's coming.then after waiting like around 2.40,they arrived and sumpah semua macam online jap while waiting for faiqah.then bila semua dah macam sampai semua,they decided to tukar baju at my bilik yang agak bersepah at first,but tak jadi sebab i told them ada toilet kat area swimming pool tu.then time dah sampai2 kat swimming pool nak tukar baju semua,Syaa tak jumpa her swimming pants.agak cuak ah enn,ingat dorg curi ke ape enn hahahahaha last2 syaa forgot yang dia letak at my room hahahaaa.then memang memekak ahh kat dalam swimming pool tuu,sumpah we had fun was kinda akward seeing them coming to my house sebab macam usually we met at school,sri maya en.but sumpah they terbaik gilaa.I loveee you so much much much mucho gusto:,).You guys are the best and i'm so thankful to have you guys by my side:)and i'm so glad i found you guys.
-Especially to:Maisarah Ghani,Aida,Syaa,Syuha,Fai,Sera,Nad,Amira,Nami and more:)
sumpah nak menangis siot:PP hehehee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you more!