Friday, October 1, 2010


Hi guys!sorry havent been blogging for a while.I didnt attend to school today.Alasan bodoh lah kena bagi.Okay okay,i went to the gym today and done some cardio workout.yeah,i managed to get 300calories burned.macam sama berat dengan 1pinggan nasi i guess.okay,so right now i'm hungry cause havent eaten yet.tak tau nak makan its okay lah.I havent been myself alot lately.kejap mood jadi tak elok.I dont actually know why.And sekarang ni I have to be patient with all the things that comes rolling down under my feet.Sabar je la eh Sarah.Allah tengah bagi petunjuk tu.kadang2,things arent going the way we expected.mostly it happens around family and friends.So I have to be strong facing this life and just ignore those nasty people who can't really get hold of themselves.Biarlah Sarah,we shouldnt interfere in someone else's lives.kita bukan pikul dosa dorang pun.So i have to blogout cause im having second thoughts;P bye:)

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